Samantha Crawls!

Although Jake claims that Samantha’s first crawl forward happened last week under his watch, I am marking down Samantha’s official DOC (date of crawl) as today (one day shy of her 8 month birthday!) since I was there to witness it.


Samantha’s first crawl forward:

By the end of the day, Samantha was going crazy with the whole crawling forward thing. It was as if a light clicked on and she thought to herself, “This is awesome! I can check out those shoes in the corner I’ve always wanted to take a look at! I’m not so frustrated anymore!” Amelia, on the other hand,  burst into tears whenever she saw her sister crawl to us since she hasn’t mastered the forward technique yet.

I am afraid…very afraid! The house is only 10% baby-proofed as of right now and I can’t enter a room anymore without worrying about every little thing that needs to be modified. Goodness knows Samantha will be going straight for all the outlets, plugs, wires, and cupboards she can get her hands on!

Lots of love,



  1. I love how excited she is! So fun!

  2. Way to go Samantha! Get ready to chase those babies around! I have to watch Chloee every second haha she's into everything!