Happy New Year 2017!

The Lunar New Year yesterday reminded me I needed to finally get around to posting New Year’s pictures! Now that Meredith is a little older, we are excited for the coming year and all the new adventures it will bring.

Meredith’s goals for the year include learning to walk, adding to her vocabulary enough to argue with the twins, trying peanut butter and honey, figuring out the mystery of the auto sensor trash can lid, and mastering shoveling sand into a bucket. Samantha hopes to learn more Spanish beyond what Dora has taught her, try green eggs and ham, learn to ride  bike sans training wheels, master the cartwheel, visit a planetarium, and finally follow the rules of Candyland, instead of just picking random cards from the stack and moving her piece wherever she wants. Amelia’s goals include improving her dolphin plank and chasse moves in yoga/ballet,  mastering the world geography puzzle at preschool, going camping, using dot dot markers properly, traveling to America (we can’t convince her she already lives here), and riding a bike sans training wheels.  Our family word of the year is FUN (or SILLY, according to the girls). We hope to reach all our goals this year!


Lots of love,

