School Valentine’s Party

I am backtracking to Valentine’s Day after realizing I never hit publish on my post! Let the record show we did celebrate Valentine’s Day (sort of)!

Amelia and Samantha on their first Valentine’s Day:

Wow, it’s almost that time of year to whip out those popsicle molds once again!

Our three sweet Valentines, 2016:

Our Valentine’s week this year was a tad crazy between our showings for our house on the market and school Valentine’s parties, so getting a picture of all three together was a complete fail. I kept meaning to pose them all in their matching “Love shirts” the week after and just pretend it was Valentine’s Day, but didn’t get around to that either, so individual non-posed pictures it is.

This year, Samantha and Amelia have really been getting the hang of the whole holiday thing (for better or for worse) and had been inquiring about when it would be Valentine’s Day for weeks. Since when did Valentine’s Day become Halloween? The girls ended up with shockingly huge bags full of candy by the end of school and spent the entire afternoon spreading out all their Valentines and comparing what they got with one another.

Meredith’s Valentine’s gift to me was sneaking into the snack cupboard and eating half a box of leftover Teddy Grahams from her birthday party before I caught her!

The girls had fun crafting at school during the month of February and displayed a few of their masterpieces at home:

I helped out in Amelia’s class with some of their Valentine’s crafts and also volunteered to help with the Valentine’s potluck in Samantha’s class. Amelia barely noticed me helping serve food in Samantha’s class, she was so busy enjoying her feast and playing with her friends. She’s come a long way as she used to get so upset if I was in one classroom, and didn’t have time to make it to the other. These days, she seems much more interactive and comfortable with her friends than Samantha.

It’s always a blast interacting with the kids and seeing firsthand what they are up to. The other kids always ask, “Are you Samantha AND Amelia’s mom?” Most of kids are pretty good at telling the twins apart, and it’s been great for them to have separate classrooms and make their own friends.

Samantha and Amelia were excited that I brought one of their favorites to share– baked macaroni and cheese bites in the shape of hearts.

The Valentine’s banquet was quite the feast! The teachers and other parent volunteers gobbled up the rest of the leftovers, but next time, I think the kids should serve us first.

Lots of love,

