Bridal Veil Falls and Meredith at 18 Months

Before leaving Grammy and Grandpa’s on our epic two-week stay in Utah, we couldn’t leave without going to the girls’ favorite nearby attraction, Bridal Veil Falls. I was reluctant to let Jake go with all three girls, envisioning Meredith escaping his grip and running haywire toward the rushing water, but he assured me he would keep a tight leash on all three, so that I could pack and get ready to depart. Everything ended up being fine and they spent a solid two hours exploring the area and climbing the rocks near the falls (not what I had envisioned!) Meredith was too tired from no longer getting her morning nap to protest and was happy in her stroller while the girls explored.

Bridal Veil two years ago:

One last swing before we left!

Last minute, I remembered taking pictures of the twins in this chair the summer they were 18 months and we came to Utah, so we snapped a few impromptu photos of Meredith.

The twins at 18 months in the same dress.


The twins at 18 months in Utah.

Amelia, 4 years.

Amelia, 18 months.

Samantha, 4 years.

Samantha, 18 months and with a black eye!

Telling secrets.


We love our sister!

Lots of love,
