Meredith and Her Morning Buddy

With the twins back in school, Meredith relished her new role as big sister of the house every morning. She definitely had her “MOMMY PLAY WITH ME RIGHT NOW” moments, but given the amount of times I had to say, “Mommy has to feed/put to sleep/change Elle” every day, she was really patient and learned to play on her own quite well. She was light years better at entertaining herself than the twins ever were at her age.

It’s so nice when everyone is back to school and the parks and splash pads are deserted.

Hanging with her baby sis.

Eleanor, 3.5 months old, rolled over from her tummy to her back for the first and was NOT HAPPY. I don’t know if her newfound abilities scared her, or if she just didn’t like the feeling of the grass, but she screamed like a banshee.

Like any good mom, I just filmed her, instead of picking her up.

With the girls in kindergarten 5 days a week, our mornings were suddenly free for Meredith to take a class. The twins stopped their Grace and Zen yoga/ballet class when they started kinder, but Meredith was excited to finally join. Even though she was technically too young for the class, which starts at 3 years old, she was awesome at following directions and trying her best.

Every week, Meredith would jump up and down in anticipation when she saw I was putting her yoga mat and ballet shoes in the car. “YAY I’M GOING TO DANCE!”

Meredith’s Halloween “dance.”

Eleanor wondered where her other two sisters were until pick up time at 2:30, which was her favorite part of the day. All the kids and teachers would flock to her to squeeze her legs and pinch her arms. She would soak it all in and would give the paparazzi the most charming smiles and coos. She ate it up and loved to put on a show at pick-up!

Running into Chee at the park. I dare anyone to resist cuddling this chubby baby.

Just chillin.

Baby giggles and smiles.

With her knee intact, Meredith rode like the wind on her scooter, once again.

Nap time.

Lots of love,
