Samantha and Amelia’s First Field Trip

On Halloween, Samantha and Amelia had the most exciting adventure of their lives… a ride on a REAL school bus. Oh, and a field trip to Irvine Regional Park. But that was just an afterthought in the minds of the twins. Instead of going anywhere, we should have just driven around town on the school bus with all of the kids, and they would have been perfectly happy!

I helped chaperone the field trip, and was assigned to Samantha and Amelia. What a coincidence!


What? School buses have seat belts now? Not in my day.


When I was teaching, most of my fellow teachers (myself included) viewed field trips with a sense of dread. It’s fun to do something different, but there’s also a lot of organization and work involved to keep everyone together and safe. I was always stressed out planning field trips! It was nice to follow someone else’s direction for a change and the Irvine Regional Park people had an organized agenda for us, making our jobs easier. Still, rounding up 50+ preschoolers and herding them through the park was no easy task.

First up: the train. All the kids were shouting things like, “Look! A peacock!” and “Look! A squirrel!” Owen chimed in, “Look! A bathroom!”

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Little skeletons.

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We also took the kids through the haunted house, through the corn maze and let them run around and stick their heads through the spooky cutouts. Amelia and Samantha kept begging to go in the bounce house and play the carnival games (I swear, they are addicted), but since that wasn’t on the agenda, we had to skip it. They didn’t really understand the whole field trip concept and kept asking when we were going back to school and if we were ever going home! You’d think they would just be happy to be there, but Samantha and Amelia typically feel ill at ease unless they know exactly what’s going on.

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I guess we should have waited to buy our pumpkins this year because they let the kids pick some out for free that day.

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What kid isn’t excited to eat their sack lunch on a field trip?


After lunch, we unleashed the torrent of kids onto the playground and the parents joked that we should have just walked to the park across the street from school instead of paying to come here. They would have been just as happy; although, the bus ride definitely put it over the top!

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Meanwhile, Meredith was enjoying Take Your Daughter to Work Day at the firm. Jake’s paralegals and the other attorneys had a great time with Meredith (and probably got absolutely nothing done that morning!)


Lots of love,


Halloween Festivities

What happened to wearing your Halloween costume to elementary school to show off to your friends and teachers? Or turning classrooms into haunted houses and having a school-wide Halloween parade? I was disappointed to find out most schools around here don’t allow the kids to wear their costumes on actual Halloween… I guess I will just have to hold on to my fond memories. To compensate, Samantha and Amelia’s preschool had a Halloween party the weekend before and the kids were none the wiser.

Peter Pan received many compliments from other parents on his green tights!


Princess Leia and Tink.


The teachers transformed one of the classrooms into an enormous cardboard box maze, which took the girls’ fairy wings, shoes and crowns as major casualties as they crawled through. Carnival games were the other huge hits.


Samantha and Amelia stood in line forever just to throw a ping pong ball in a fish bowl in the hopes of winning a beta fish. I blew off any chance of them succeeding and told them to go for it. To my horror, Samantha won not one, but TWO beta fish with her amazingly accurate throws. I’m thinking softball career?

Poor Amelia stood in line twice without winning, and couldn’t be consoled, even though Samantha promised to share her fish with her. Fortunately, Miss Debbie said the fish would be available to pick up at the end of the party, by which time we had left and the girls had completely forgotten about them. Phew!

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At school the week before Halloween, Samantha and Amelia brought home some cute crafts and were both the Helpers of the Day– their favorite. They brought in a fun Storytime in a Bag book and puppet from the library, “Go Away, Monster,” for their share item and made spiders and monster apple mouths for their snacks. And by them, I mean me.


I contemplated many existential questions (including what is the meaning of my life?) while putting together 30 cracker spiders and apple monsters at 5 a.m. that morning. True confession… I actually enjoy this stuff.


Our neighbor, Nate, came over to decorate sugar cookies with us and the girls were surprisingly willing to share and help him with his cookies.

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My sugar cookies pale in comparison to my friend, Jodi’s, who makes the absolute best. We’ve gotten our girls together for cookie decorating three years running and it never gets old.









Meredith took advantage of me not paying attention and lunged forward. Her reward: delicious frosting!


Burning off sugar and playing ring around the rosie with Allie and Maliyah.


I want to play too!


The day after Halloween, the girls, Maliyah and Allie took their costumes out for one more spin since we weren’t able to get together on actual Halloween. Allie and Meredith were cute as matching Tinkerbells, and Maliyah showed off her very convincing “Argh!” as a “girl pirate.”

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Going to the park is actually semi-relaxing for me and Jodi these days because the girls generally keep themselves busy playing games. They especially enjoy tag (monster tag and every other variation), Steal the Bacon, What Time is it Mr. Fox?, Red Rover, and Red Light, Green Light.


The fairies chase the pirate.


Love these new swings they put in– now we can all swing together!

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Samantha and Amelia always each ask for a turn with Meredith, even though she tries to grab their hair the entire time.

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Let’s fly, sister!


Just like Pan, I hope they never grow up!

Lots of love,


Meeting Baby Cousin Hailey

Sweet Baby Hailey was born at the beginning of October, and we were so excited to finally be able to drive up to meet her at the end of October when Sarah was visiting. It was crazy holding a newborn again… she is perfect!


Meredith looked like she could eat Hailey for breakfast!


Can’t believe Meredith was a newborn just nine short months ago!


So sweet and peaceful. It’s hard to remember what it was like when they just slept (at least during the day!)


Great Grandpa with his cute great grandkids.


Samantha did an admirable job trying to hold Meredith.


In between lots of baby cuddling, ooohing and ahhhing, Samantha and Amelia raided Noah’s toys.


Meredith tried out the swing and begged the twins to push her higher.

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Lunchtime for the munchkins.


Where’s Noah?


Sadly, babies don’t keep! The next time we see Hailey, she’s going to seem so much older. Until then, we will be savoring that perfect newborn smell and the feel of those sweet baby cuddles. Welcome to the world, Hailey! Your cousins adore you!

Lots of love,


Aunt Sarah’s Visit and Pumpkin City

Right before Halloween, Aunt Sarah flew over to hang out with us for a few days. She saw firsthand how spooky life with our family could really be!


We visited the pastoral (situated in a mall parking lot right by the freeway) Pumpkin City pumpkin patch and attempted to recreate Sarah’s classic photo from the same place three years ago:


Sarah’s still working on pics from her camera, but here’s my cell phone version… Samantha and Amelia switched places!



Teaching Meredith the finer points of tractor steering.

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No pumpkin patch trio picture this year. The twins were either hiding behind pumpkins or inadvertently knocking Meredith over, much to her chagrin.

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Jeckyll and Hyde 2013:

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Samantha, Amelia and Meredith. Sometimes, I wonder what life would be like if they were triplets. Never mind. Let’s not go there.


We let the girls choose two rides, and they quickly regretted selecting the teacups. They looked like they were either going to throw up or cry the entire ride.


Meredith loved having Aunt Sarah around for a playmate, especially when the twins were at preschool.


At the end of October, Meredith could rock on all fours and was taking one or two crawls forward, but still hadn’t mastered the whole crawling thing. Her frustration levels had reached epic proportions.

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The girls drive me nuts with board games because they refuse to follow any actual rules. Here they are teaching Aunt Sarah their version of Sneaky Snacky Squirrel (i.e. spin the spinner and throw any number of acorns on the board for no apparent reason).


I’m just an innocent bystander.


Aunt Sarah came with us to Treasure Island beach, where the twins searched for sea creatures and pretended to be mermaids.


Come play with us again soon, Aunt Sarah!


Lots of love,
