Samantha: 20 Months

Samantha: 20 Months

They say it’s sugar and spice and everything nice, but you, my dear, are a whole lot of spice mixed with the teensiest amount of sugar. Even strangers can tell you and Amelia have completely different personalities (with you being Miss High Spirited). Oh those opinions! We know you have some very specific ideas for how you want everything to go down since you tell us ALL. THE. TIME. Half your frustration, I think, comes from us not being able to understand your grand plans!

A huge milestone was reached this month when you surpassed Amelia in your ever-growing vocabulary. All those months Amelia was so far ahead of you, you were just sitting back, listening and absorbing so that this month you could shock us with all the words you know. You repeat back everything you hear (guess Daddy and I will have to be careful from now on) and have caught on to the fact that Daddy and I get excited when you say a new phrase. You milk it, girl.

Stringing words together was an exciting new development this month. You were reading a book with Daddy and he was talking about the horse eating carrots. Matter-of-factly, you turned to him and said, clear as day, “I like carrots.” Daddy yelled for me to come in the room to hear you say it and you had the widest grin on your face as you repeated it over and over. Amelia soon copied you after seeing our reactions, but you said it first!

Curiously, many of your three-word phrases have something to do with food…like when you said, “I want that,” and pointed to an ice cream cone. You are one smart cookie, choosing your words carefully and saving them for when you really want something.

“Airplane,” “dog,” “moon,” “thank you,” “car,” “ball,” “pasta” and “bubbles” are your favorites. My all-time favorite is when you call your scrape a “Boo booooooooo!” I melt. In a puddle. Every time.

We know you have some deep thoughts going on in there and can’t wait to hear everything you have to tell us. You certainly have a lot to say to Amelia…just wish we could understand it too.

In the mean time, your favorite word to communicate is “Dada,” which you have on repeat all day. You bring me his shirts and shoes, frustrated that I seemingly don’t understand to whom you are referring.

Instead of saying, “Dada is at work,” I’ve switched to asking you if you like giving Dada hugs and kisses and then we talk about you running to the door and giving him a big squeeze when he walks in. Instead of bursting into tears when I tell you he’s not home, this usually puts a smile on your face.

Despite the many tantrums that occur per day (sometimes per hour) due to Amelia taking one of your toys, you love your sis and always want to wake her up whenever she sleeps longer than you so you can play. When she comes up to give you a hug or kiss, you act like you tolerate it, but inside, we know you love it when sis loves on you.

When Amelia tackles you with a big bear hug, you simply put your head on her should in return and then get back to whatever you were doing. You may not wear your heart on your sleeve, but you certainly show your love in other ways.

One thing that hasn’t changed much is that you remain a champion eater. Breakfast of quiche and Daddy’s crepes is your favorite meal, but you will happily eat up (or at least try), everything I put on your plate, from fruits and veggies to fish and chicken. You absolutely devour the entire bowl anytime I make soup, which is quite frequently now that I realize you love it. Chicken noodle, minestrone, pumpkin chili, split pea, bean and barley, dairy-free chowder– you take a few spoonfuls and then carefully lift the bowl to your face and slurp the rest up. A more thorough soup eater there never was.

You certainly need that fuel the way you take off like a jet. You’ve taken to running up the jungle gym and sliding down as many times as possible, as well as playing keep away with me. You’ve earned the title of “daredevil” at the park as you love to stand right at the edge of a drop and then throw yourself into our arms. It gives us heart attacks most of the time, but you just giggle like it’s the best game ever.

Other than being outside, you love crafts, painting, sensory bins, water play, music and all things artistic. Toys and puzzles don’t hold your interest very long as you tend to flit from activity to activity, but you would be perfectly content to spend the day curled up on the couch reading.

You have your own ideas about which side up the book should go and in what order the pages should be turned (again with the opinions!) You point to every object, waiting for me to say it’s name before moving on and you love playing I Spy, with me asking you to find objects on the page.

Ever the mix of contradictions, you are fearless at the park, never afraid to try new things and brushing yourself off without a tear after a fall. Around others besides mommy and daddy though, you are a shy little bird, burying your face in my legs when you don’t want to look at someone.

You have very recently decided that you will tolerate your gym teachers helping you on certain activities, but you never reward them with so much as a smile– it’s a frown and sometimes tears the entire time, unless I’m holding you.

Despite your shyness, you have decided you want to be completely independent. You pick up things and throw them in the trash, walk Bandit (heaven forbid he walk too fast for you…cue tantrum!) help put things on the conveyer belt in the check-out line, always want to help prepare your food, love washing your hands, and you even tell us when you have to go potty (most of the time it’s a little too late, but I know you can definitely recognize the sensations).

You are so proud of yourself when you go potty, especially when you get your special hand stamp ( that always makes Amelia pretty jealous!) You get pretty upset when you go #2 in your diaper these days since nine times out of ten you tell me in time so we can whisk you to the potty. You absolutely hate being the least bit uncomfortable, whether it’s a dirty diaper or a dot of peanut butter on your hands.

Speaking of independence…girl– you test it. You know EXACTLY when I want you to do something, and you’ll usually do the opposite. It’s not uncommon for the neighbors to intervene and take Amelia while I run down the street after you as you stop and look back every so often with a huge grin on your face.

You dislike hate loathe me trying to help you with anything and will leave whatever you were doing alone rather than accept help. You often don’t do something simply because I told you to do it, and do something because I told you not to do it. “Hmmmm….wonder who she gets it from?” Daddy says every time you decide to be stubborn. No idea what he’s talking about!

You are absolutely my mini, a girl after my own heart and a total Daddy’s girl to boot. We love you, Samantha!

Lots of love,


Amelia: 20 Months

Amelia at 20 Months

You, my sweet girl, are always on the lookout to make sure everyone around you is happy. Sister is crying? You search the house for her wub and then kindly stick it in her mouth for her. Sister wants to play with a toy? Unless it’s something you really love (your shopping cart is the exception), you give it up with a smile.

Even your dollies are not forgotten. You cradle those babies in your arms with a blankie and never forget their paci and bottle.  You gently place one, two, or five dollies in your cart to go shopping and, unlike mommy, always let them pick out a treat on the way.

Carefree is the best way to describe you this month. When sister was having a hard time during music class, you sat there singing and clapping the whole time, wondering what all the fuss was about. Your gym teachers love you and often pick you as the example when learning a new skill. I can always rely on you to run around happily while I hold your sis when she’s cranky.

Easy-going also describes you as you are never so committed to something that you freak out when we have to transition to something else. You go with the flow and keep a smile on your face through it all– that goofy, toothy grin melts us every time!

That’s not to say you don’t become immersed in certain activities– books, puzzles, sensory bins, playing tea with dollies–you are often so absorbed in your little world you don’t even notice me whipping out the video. Whether feeding the fish during Spanish class, focusing on a puzzle, rolling balls out of play dough, when you are into something, you are all in.

Eating, oh, eating! It’s no wonder you are a good two pounds lighter than your sis– you eat like a little bird, often literally waiting for me to drop food in your mouth. You taunt us by expertly picking up broccoli with your fork, almost putting it into your mouth, and then putting it back with a sly grin.

You know how to push mommy’s buttons, and one of those is not eating your veggies. The carrots you used to love? A thing of the past. Anything green? Forget about it. You devour sweet potato like it’s candy, but that’s it. Mommy spent a lot of time in the kitchen “hiding” veggies into your omelets, muffins, smoothies, and creating baked concoctions out of anything from zucchini to kale (you like no-sugar zucchini muffins and kale chips!)

You are the best little helper I could ask for, from unloading the dishes (and smiling every time I tell you thank you for the bowl, thank you for the cup), throwing clothes in the washer, helping find yours and sister’s shoes, walking Bandit, and even wiping down the table.

Sometimes, for helping with the big stuff (like bringing groceries in the house), you become beside yourself with excitement when I give you a hand stamp….that is, until you get angry because YOU want to stamp your own hand and start grabbing it away from me.

Your independent spirit was off the charts this month. From picking out your own accessories to brushing your hair to attempting to put on your shoes– YOU can do anything. At least, that’s your attitude, which gets your uber-frustrated when  you can’t get something right.

That shoe won’t go on your little foot? Watch out for an Amelia meltdown, including chucking said shoes onto the floor in anger and throwing yourself into mommy’s arms in frustration. Your ideas are too big for your motor skills sometimes!

You are SMART, Amelia. You understand everything I say and often respond– with what, it’s hard to say– but I nod anyway. It’s never crossed your mind that anything you might say is completely unintelligible to others. “Blehslkjf” you state, completely matter-of-factly.

“Dog,” “moon,” “doll,” “thank you,” “go” and every animal sound under the sun are your faves. You saw daddy and I freak out when Samantha started speaking in three-word sentences, and you immediately followed suit, with the phrases, “I like dogs” and “I like that.” It’s not that you learned it from her– you knew it all along– you just didn’t know mommy and daddy would think that was so great!

You love your animal figurines, shopping cart, dolls, barn, puzzles and pulling around your wagon, but your favorite things of all are books. And any time is a great time for reading– especially when I’m busy vacuuming up the rice from the sensory bins you just threw everywhere. How can I say no to that sweet face holding up a book with an expression that says, “I know I’m cute and I’m confident you’ll stop everything to read with me”? Works every time.

Doesn’t matter that we’ve read the same, “Violet’s House” picture book for the umpteenth time that day– you treat it like it’s brand new and always impress me with your ability to point to every object I say on the page. That’s the one thing you don’t want sis to join in– she gets within ten feet of you and you let out a warning screech: “This is MY time with mommy! Find your own lap!”

During quiet time, I’ll often find you in your crib, “reading” to yourself out loud, quite impressive considering Samantha is usually bouncing around, dropping things into your crib in an attempt to distract you. And it’s not just books– the mail, flyers, cookbooks, my phone– you read it all out loud in the most serious narrating voice.

You act like you’re 100% a momma’s girl, but Daddy is your ultimate hero and the keeper of your little heart. We love you, Amelia!

Lots of love, 

Happy 20 Month Birthday!

The girls celebrated Veteran’s Day and their 20 month birthday today. I’m still trying to wrap my head around the fact that they will be two years old in just four months. Excuse me while I blow deep breaths into a paper bag. Stop it. Just stop it. 
Over the past 20 months, there’s been a few times where it seemed like everything changed in an instant, and this month was definitely one of those times. 
The past few months, we’ve had some crazy development in speech, and this month we continued to build upon that foundation. S and A went from talking mainly to me here and there to babbling constantly to me, each other, friends, random strangers, and themselves in a twin language that I wish I could figure out. I can usually pick out a few phrases here and there, but man, do those two JABBER! They understand it perfectly, of course.
Independence was the name of the game this month. From learning to pour their own water into glasses from a pitcher, to eating at their own table, to climbing their step stools and washing their hands in the sink, to trying to pick out their own clothes/dress themselves (this never ended well), S and A can’t wait to grow up. I can wait though. So slow it down, ladies!
The girls have always liked books, but the past month, they have really been into books. Cuddling up with those two on my lap while they point out each and every dog in the picture (even if there are no dogs) is my favorite time of the day. Inevitably, there’s a fight over who gets what book and who gets to sit smack dab in mommy’s lap. When Jake’s home, we each get one to hold– the best part about twins!
Speaking of Daddy…we’ve missed him majorly this month. The girls have the word “dada” on repeat (all. day. long.) and grab his shirts from the closet or bring me his shoes, repeating “dada” again like I didn’t get it the first forty times. When I answer he’s at work…oh boy… prepare for a major meltdown until I can find a hand stamp or sticker with which to distract them. When Jake walks through that door, it’s a drop-everything-and-run-as-fast-as-you-can-to-be-the-first-one-picked-up-and-thrown-up- in-the-air moment. It never gets old!
Over the past few weeks, the girls started telling us that they needed to go to the potty (Samantha more than Amelia). They’ve also learned to communicate LOUDLY when they are even the slightest bit uncomfortable. A hair on their finger? GET IT OFF NOW. Slimy yogurt on their hands? I ASKED FOR A WIPE FIVE MINUTES AGO. Oh, and don’t forget the lotion. The girls are little miss prisses in some things and in others, like playing with the boys at the park, it’s been all about the rough and tumble.
Gymnastics, Spanish and Music Class were favorites this month. It’s amazing how far they’ve come following the teacher– they try so hard to listen and do all the hand actions to the songs. It’s exciting to see them recognize what’s coming next during class or during a specific activity. The look of accomplishment on their faces after banging a tambourine on their knee or touching their noses along with the teacher’s actions is priceless. 
On the way to and from said activities, it’s mommy and toddler karaoke hour…The Wheels on the Bus, complete with the actual wipers swishing, the windows going up and down and my impressions of both Samantha and Amelia going “ha ha ha/all through the town”  is always the first request. When we finish their favorite, we move onto their other requests, namely, Itsy Bitsy Spider, If You’re Happy and You Know It, and Old MacDonald. My voice is constantly hoarse. 
Multiple visits to the pumpkin patch, the zoo, the beach, playing at the park, trick-or-treating, art projects at home and Halloween kept us all on the go. As much as they love going places, the girls are content to simply chill on the patio with sis (especially if the hose and/or applesauce popsicles are involved). Give them a piece of chalk to boot and they’re in heaven. 
What do I miss most about this month already? Watching Samantha and Amelia push their dollies in strollers or shopping carts and saying hi/hugging every scarecrow, pumpkin, ghost and skeleton in the neighborhood. Hours of entertainment!
All month, it’s either been a constant battle to distract one from the other’s toy she’s screaming over or rushing to grab my camera to capture each and every heart-melting sister kiss, hug and squeeze. Amelia calls Samantha “Sam” and Samantha calls Amelia an unintelligible word that sounds nothing like Amelia, along the lines of “Blat!” Whatever their terms of endearment, their love for each other is adorable and obvious. 
Watching these two interact like best friends is the greatest reward ever after a long day of breaking up fights and soothing tears. A mix of exhaustion and joy with every sweet moment pretty much sums up each day, and I’m ok with that. Despite the (very) difficult days thrown into the mix, I love, love, love this age. Life with the two sweetest toddlers on the planet (not that I’m biased or anything)  is what I’m thankful for this November. 
And now for a photo dump of life from Month 20: 


Lots of love, 


19 Months going on 19 years

We celebrated the girls’ 19 month birthday last week with some tasty beet cupcakes. I never thought I would say “beet cupcakes” and “tasty” in the same sentence, but there you go.  
 The girls love oven-roasted beets because of their natural sweetness, so I figured they would love this recipe I adapted from Weelicious. 
All of us (Bandit included) agreed they tasted pretty good, beet-yness and all. As an aside, I like to imagine that every time I manage to successfully sneak vegetables into the girls’ food, be it in eggs, muffins, green smoothies, casseroles or just straight up veggies, a deposit is made into my mommy brownie points bank account somewhere. Yes, I get that excited. 
I am totally in love with the vibrant color the beets gave the cupcakes. 
Amelia dug in without waiting for sis. 

Nice of you to join us. 

Wait…this has veggies in it? Mommy 1; twins 0. 

The beet frosting doubled as lip gloss (bonus!)

Miss blue eyes. 

Toddler approved. 

Alright. Enough proper eating. Time to stuff our faces. 
You only turn 19 months once. 
Go! Nom nom nom. 

Belly. So. Full. 

Side note: the jeans the girls are wearing are size 3T. They are a tiny bit long on them, but other than that, they fit. Please stop growing!

The girls burnt off their beet-induced energy by walking around and pointing out all the scarecrows, ghosts, skulls and skeletons in the neighborhood.  When they started coming off their high, a neighbor’s miniature bench made the perfect resting spot. 

And then they crashed. Crashed hard. 

“It’s all for show!” giggled Samantha. 

Because who wouldn’t want to take a nap on the cold cement sidewalk. The things toddlers find hilarious…
Lots of love, 