Maple’s First Birthday and Irvine Park Christmas Train

Can’t believe we’re only six days away from Christmas! Catching up on some beginning of December events…

Maple’s First Birthday party was a a chic Winter ONE-derland party and the birthday girl was stylin’ on her big day!

This year flew by! We were so happy to celebrate sweet Maple.

Parker was a wonderful co-host and helped all the kids at the craft table.

The beautiful decor, dessert table and macarons were to die for… Maple is already such a foodie!

After celebrating Maple’s big day, we took our annual ride on the Christmas Train with the Kagels and Gerins.

Christmas Train in years past:

Let’s get this party started!



Noah is a little outnumbered by all his girl cousins.


Looking festive with their hot cocoa.

The line to see Santa was crazy ridiculous, and the Gerins/Kagels made the right call by heading back on the train to do some activities while we waited in line so the girls could talk to Santa. It was Meredith’s first time seeing Santa, after all, so we stuck it out for the picture opportunity, even though our time was probably better spent elsewhere. It may have helped that Santa had called them on the phone (I signed up through our city to have “Santa” call one night and ask the girls if they were being good sisters and ask them to clean up their toys!), but this was the first year the twins actually wanted to talk with him in person.

Samantha and Amelia kept themselves entertained while we were waiting.

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Meredith was jealous and kept trying to figure out how to get up that tree.


Meredith’s first time seeing Santa!

First: nonchalance.


Second: Confusion.


Third: Betrayal!


The progression of Meredith’s reaction is classic:

Once we hopped back on the train and got some food in her belly, Meredith was in better spirits, having forgotten the terrifying old man with whom her parents so negligently left her. She watched the girls win the inevitable inflatable animals at the carnival and giggled as Noah and the twins ran around the park chasing each other. Baby Hailey was so cozy and snug in her Baby Bjorn while Meredith chilled and took in the lights from her stroller.


We can’t escape any holiday activity without getting roped into cookie decorating by the twins. It’s like they have an internal sensor that starts beeping whenever we’re within a three-mile radius of sprinkles and toxic food coloring.


I have no idea how those three little bellies could consume such massive amounts of sugar, but they gobbled those monsters up like it was nothing.

Next year, Meredith and Hailey might get a bite!

Lots of love,


Thanksgiving Preschool Potluck and Friendsgiving

Samantha and Amelia kicked off their Thanksgiving week with a feast at their preschool. I volunteered to help the kids make their special placemats the week before Thanksgiving, and the twins seemed pretty nonchalant with me coming in to both classes that day.  During the Thanksgiving Feast, however, Amelia freaked out when I went to help serve the food in Samantha’s class… so much so, that she would hardly touch her food. The girls were both a little weirded out by the whole potluck since they don’t normally stay for lunch at preschool, so I think being off their normal routine, plus having me there, became the perfect storm for having an off day.

It was quite the feast! The parents and teachers had a good time sampling everything after serving the kids, but next time, I’m thinking we should all sit down and have the kids serve us!

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I came back to comfort Amelia after stepping eight feet away into Samantha’s class to help serve the food. Once her belly was full of turkey and dessert came around, she seemed to be in better spirits.


Samantha tried every dish and thought the whole potluck thing was a swell idea.


Amelia was proud of her turkey hat.



Some of the kids barely tried their food, but magically became hungry again after the pumpkin roll made an appearance.


Happy Thanksgiving!


I’m having a hard time picking and choosing which crafts of the girls’ to keep now that they are coming home with something every day, and the clutter-hater inside me wants to keep the paper at bay. We usually hang them up for a few weeks, and then I take pictures and store a few of them in the girls’ portfolios. It’s already pretty full– can’t imagine 15 more years of paper! Some of the girls’ crafts this month:


I had fun working with Samantha and Amelia’s classes on their Thanksgiving placemats earlier in November.

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This was the first year the twins were a little more aware as to what Thanksgiving was all about, so it was our first year doing a Thankful Tree at home. I had grand plans of making a cute tree with lighted branches, but ended up just telling the girls to go out back and pick whatever branches they could find. At dinner (i.e. whenever we remembered), we’d write down what we were thankful for. S and A repeated each other, Meredith, mom and dad, and Bandit pretty much every time, so we had to teach them to think outside of the box a little! We took the tree down at the end of November, but the girls have been asking where the Thankful Tree is, so maybe we need to keep this tradition year round?

In a moment of annoyance that the girls were whining about something or other one morning, I had them watch a short YouTube documentary clip about a boy named Juan who lived near a trash dump in Mexico and picked up trash with his family for a living. I was thoroughly depressed watching it, but the girls were fascinated and, at the very least, I think they may have an inkling of understanding about how blessed they are to live in a house and have plenty of food.

Now, whenever the girls whine, I remind them about Juan. Out of the blue the other day, Amelia proclaimed she wanted to give some of her toys to kids who picked up trash and didn’t have any toys, and she suggested giving away her favorite stuffed animal, a stuffed cougar. Touched my heart! Samantha added that she, too, would like to give some toys away to those less fortunate, and suggested giving away “Amelia’s piggy.” We’re still working on her.


Meredith was stoked for her first Thanksgiving! This girl loooooooves food.


The next day on actual Thanksgiving, it was time for Friendsgiving at the Erpeldings. Sheela and Todd were so gracious to host us, Sheela’s dad, and their other friends, Christine, Ragnar and their toddler, Annabel. The best part was having our feast at 11:30 a.m.! Best Thanksgiving idea ever! We all stuffed ourselves, the kids played and then we went home for a nap! THE BEST.

We brought the stuffing and cranberries, Christine and Ragnar brought some delicious pie, and Sheela, Todd and the kids put together some amazing sweet potatoes, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, rolls, turkey, honey baked ham, and Todd’s specialty, sauerkraut! Sammy actually tried it and liked it! It was truly a team effort as Avery and Owen showed off their battle scars from peeling potatoes… way to go, kids!

Deciding on the menu, running around to gather all the groceries and supplies, getting the house ready and preparing all that food was no easy feat, but Sheela made it look easy! We were so grateful to spend a fun Thanksgiving sharing a nice meal with friends and hanging out.


With seven kids, plus Meredith, we had quite the lively kids table. Surprisingly, in between wiping mouths, fulfilling requests for more sweet potatoes, and picking up dropped silverware, the adults were able to enjoy our meal as well.


Samantha and Amelia had seconds (and thirds in a few cases) and were the last ones to leave the table. Actually, Meredith was the last to leave the table… she looked like a stuffed little turkey by the time she was done.


Such a cute kids table.


The girls were occupied coloring on the tablecloth and playing with their friends. Somehow, toys at someone else’s house are always more interesting than our own.




Meredith gorged herself on turkey, rolls, potatoes, sweet potatoes and green beans. She had a little taste of pie and was quite angry we hadn’t been feeding her that the whole time.


With a new floor to explore, Meredith was in heaven before a post-Thanksgiving coma hit her and she napped all afternoon.


We had so much to be grateful for this Thanksgiving and were so thankful to celebrate with our little family and great friends!

Lots of love,




Everyday adventures with Aunt Sarah

We love the “everyday pictures” Aunt Sarah captures and manages to make artistic… wish I had that talent! Most of the day, I’m consumed with the never-ending cycle of cooking/feeding/cleaning/playing/cleaning/dressing/chauffeuring/cleaning that I don’t stop to take pictures of us just hanging out. It’s nice to have those memories captured (and made a million times more cool) from someone on the outside looking in.

Floor time with Meredith. Back when these were taken, Meredith could only crawl a few steps forward, but now she’s all over the place and screams whenever we try to hold or contain her. She’s gone!

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Post-gymnastics plasma car adventure. Their long legs make steering these cars a little awkward-looking, but they still love them.


Giggling Sammy.

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Amelia loves to pick all the plants around the park (if anyone is wondering what happens to all the newly planted flowers… sorry!) and the girls create a “salad” out of them.

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Checking out some coupons for Mom.


More close-ups of Meredith in the wild.

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Laughing or crying?


Sammy in the laundry basket, Amelia crumpled on the floor and Meredith in the sea of blocks. Just a typical afternoon.


Fairy Amelia before her school Halloween party.

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More chubbiness.

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Typical family photo with only Jake and I paying any attention.




Meredith looks up to her big sisters.


The spinning ride of sorrow! Samantha and Amelia realized this ride was not their cup of tea.


Sammy alternated between scared, sad and angry.


Much more our style!

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Showing sis the ropes.



Thanks for the Fall 2016 memories, Aunt Sarah!



Halloween Festivities

What happened to wearing your Halloween costume to elementary school to show off to your friends and teachers? Or turning classrooms into haunted houses and having a school-wide Halloween parade? I was disappointed to find out most schools around here don’t allow the kids to wear their costumes on actual Halloween… I guess I will just have to hold on to my fond memories. To compensate, Samantha and Amelia’s preschool had a Halloween party the weekend before and the kids were none the wiser.

Peter Pan received many compliments from other parents on his green tights!


Princess Leia and Tink.


The teachers transformed one of the classrooms into an enormous cardboard box maze, which took the girls’ fairy wings, shoes and crowns as major casualties as they crawled through. Carnival games were the other huge hits.


Samantha and Amelia stood in line forever just to throw a ping pong ball in a fish bowl in the hopes of winning a beta fish. I blew off any chance of them succeeding and told them to go for it. To my horror, Samantha won not one, but TWO beta fish with her amazingly accurate throws. I’m thinking softball career?

Poor Amelia stood in line twice without winning, and couldn’t be consoled, even though Samantha promised to share her fish with her. Fortunately, Miss Debbie said the fish would be available to pick up at the end of the party, by which time we had left and the girls had completely forgotten about them. Phew!

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At school the week before Halloween, Samantha and Amelia brought home some cute crafts and were both the Helpers of the Day– their favorite. They brought in a fun Storytime in a Bag book and puppet from the library, “Go Away, Monster,” for their share item and made spiders and monster apple mouths for their snacks. And by them, I mean me.


I contemplated many existential questions (including what is the meaning of my life?) while putting together 30 cracker spiders and apple monsters at 5 a.m. that morning. True confession… I actually enjoy this stuff.


Our neighbor, Nate, came over to decorate sugar cookies with us and the girls were surprisingly willing to share and help him with his cookies.

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My sugar cookies pale in comparison to my friend, Jodi’s, who makes the absolute best. We’ve gotten our girls together for cookie decorating three years running and it never gets old.









Meredith took advantage of me not paying attention and lunged forward. Her reward: delicious frosting!


Burning off sugar and playing ring around the rosie with Allie and Maliyah.


I want to play too!


The day after Halloween, the girls, Maliyah and Allie took their costumes out for one more spin since we weren’t able to get together on actual Halloween. Allie and Meredith were cute as matching Tinkerbells, and Maliyah showed off her very convincing “Argh!” as a “girl pirate.”

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Going to the park is actually semi-relaxing for me and Jodi these days because the girls generally keep themselves busy playing games. They especially enjoy tag (monster tag and every other variation), Steal the Bacon, What Time is it Mr. Fox?, Red Rover, and Red Light, Green Light.


The fairies chase the pirate.


Love these new swings they put in– now we can all swing together!

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Samantha and Amelia always each ask for a turn with Meredith, even though she tries to grab their hair the entire time.

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Let’s fly, sister!


Just like Pan, I hope they never grow up!

Lots of love,
