April Photo Dump

Random photos during the month of April:

On the three days Meredith was not in preschool, we played inside while waiting for Eleanor to wake up from morning nap and then went on a daily outing. Sometimes we stayed close and just practiced bike riding.

Park buddies.

Eleanor’s favorite pastime.

Goodies in the mail from Grammy!

The girls had tons of fun spring projects going on at school, including Easter egg dyeing.

The girls wove these pretty baskets out of palm leaves from our yard and were very proud!



For Meredith’s birthday, we had bought a 3-day SoCal resident pass to Disneyland, and still needed to use up 2 more days. Jake chose a weekend to go to California Adventure with the three older girls, and while they had fun, they don’t love it as much as they love Disneyland.



The Tower of Terror elevator drop ride is now Guardians of the Galaxy, but is still the same concept with the big drop. I can’t believe Jake took the girls on this, but apparently they wanted to do it again.



Park playtime after school.

Eleanor’s wakeup brigade.


Meredith loves to ask to “feed” Eleanor and then helps herself to her tray.

Cuddle buddies.

Lots of love,
