Trek to Utah Summer 2017

At the end of July through first week of August, we packed up and spent a few weeks of family and adventure-packed time in Utah! I had debated whether to send Jake and twins in the car while I flew with Meredith, like we did last year, but ultimately decided we were better off with Meredith strapped in a car seat, screaming, than on a plane, in my lap, screaming. She’s insanely strong and I probably would have ended up buying her her own seat, just to keep her restrained on a plane, so we decided to roll the dice and drive!

We started our travel off late in the day, thanks to the girls’ dance class in the morning and an Amazon package carrying some last-minute Keens for our trip that was late. As soon as we spotted the UPS truck with the coveted Amazon package on board, we jumped for joy and were finally able to take off in the afternoon. I always underestimate how cranky the kids get with late-in-the-day travel, and this was no exception. I always assume evening road trips will be a breeze since they will most definitely drift off in the car, right? Maybe everyone else’s kids, but not ours!

By Vegas, it was well past bedtime, and yet everyone was wide-eyed, whiny and sick of the car/each other. Thanks to the long stretches of desert and crossing time zones, it was still light out at 9 p.m., and without any blackout shades in sight, no one could fall asleep, despite the steady hum of the car. At one point, late that night, everyone was screaming, I had my headphones on ignoring everyone, and Jake was gripping the wheel, diet coke in hand, when suddenly, they all went silent. Having finally conked out, the kids were peaceful for an hour before we had to unload everyone at Jake’s brother’s vacation home in St. George to rest for the night. At least we had made our first leg of the trek unscathed (physically, at least… I still have mental scars!)

The twins were bewildered to wake up in unfamiliar bunk beds, and Meredith wasted no time trying to make a mess in every room in the morning, so we left as quickly as possible, not wanting to risk damaging anything in the nice vacation house! The four-hour drive to Lindon that morning was much better than the six hour torture-session the previous day, and the girls arrived at Grammy’s in good spirits.

Ready to go, with four bikes and a baby bike seat attached.

Everyone was too excited to see cousins to nap, so we all ran them ragged in the hot sun and put everyone to bed early. Allison, Zack, Noah and Hailey had flown to Utah a few days prior to us arriving and we were so excited to hang out and show them the sights for a few days!

Look, another baby!

Hailey was confused!

During the Gerins’ stay, we headed out in the morning for activities, came back for naps (or non-naps in Samantha and Amelia’s cases), and then typically spent the afternoons playing in the backyard. It was about as relaxing a vacation as is possible with our crew.

Cousin swinging time.

Meredith has started refusing to sit in her high chair for more than a few minutes before demanding a big girl chair.

We slept over at Tyler and Elizabeth’s house in Provo while the Gerins were at my parents, and every morning, the girls got a few jumps in on the trampoline before taking off. They really miss our old trampoline!

A new best doggie friend– Roger.   

I love Aunt Sarah.

Meredith enjoyed poking and prodding Hailey to no end, in addition to constantly trying to steal her food.

Our stay coincided with Pioneer Day, so the girls participated in the obligatory sparklers, parachutes and backyard fireworks display. The twins were exhausted, and being mean parents, we didn’t let them stay up until it actually got dark to do fireworks, so the fireworks looked pretty sad in the daylight. Maybe next year!

I spent many a summer day making rivers and lakes with the hose in this sandpit. I was happy it had the same appeal to the kids!

Being efficient with cousin bath time.


Belated birthday celebration for Noah. Clearly, he was disappointed to have to eat cake AGAIN.

Sadly, the girls weren’t very interested in the slip ‘n’ slide this year.

So much swinging. All. The. Time.

One rainy morning, we visited the Museum of Natural Curiosity and the kids had a blast on the zipline and water area inside.

More swinging…

Meredith’s favorite thing to do is bike…or rather ride on the back of my bike.

The biking trail is right out Grammy and Grandpa’s back gate, which made family bike rides a very convenient activity.

Noah was lightning fast on his scooter and held his own with the girls on their bikes.

Poor Bandit kept watch in the backyard while we were out.

Every night after a day packed with cousin fun, the girls conked out at 7 p.m., just like this. 

Lots of love,


Everyday adventures with Aunt Sarah

We love the “everyday pictures” Aunt Sarah captures and manages to make artistic… wish I had that talent! Most of the day, I’m consumed with the never-ending cycle of cooking/feeding/cleaning/playing/cleaning/dressing/chauffeuring/cleaning that I don’t stop to take pictures of us just hanging out. It’s nice to have those memories captured (and made a million times more cool) from someone on the outside looking in.

Floor time with Meredith. Back when these were taken, Meredith could only crawl a few steps forward, but now she’s all over the place and screams whenever we try to hold or contain her. She’s gone!

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Post-gymnastics plasma car adventure. Their long legs make steering these cars a little awkward-looking, but they still love them.


Giggling Sammy.

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Amelia loves to pick all the plants around the park (if anyone is wondering what happens to all the newly planted flowers… sorry!) and the girls create a “salad” out of them.

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Checking out some coupons for Mom.


More close-ups of Meredith in the wild.

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Laughing or crying?


Sammy in the laundry basket, Amelia crumpled on the floor and Meredith in the sea of blocks. Just a typical afternoon.


Fairy Amelia before her school Halloween party.

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More chubbiness.

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Typical family photo with only Jake and I paying any attention.




Meredith looks up to her big sisters.


The spinning ride of sorrow! Samantha and Amelia realized this ride was not their cup of tea.


Sammy alternated between scared, sad and angry.


Much more our style!

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Showing sis the ropes.



Thanks for the Fall 2016 memories, Aunt Sarah!



Aunt Sarah’s Visit and Pumpkin City

Right before Halloween, Aunt Sarah flew over to hang out with us for a few days. She saw firsthand how spooky life with our family could really be!


We visited the pastoral (situated in a mall parking lot right by the freeway) Pumpkin City pumpkin patch and attempted to recreate Sarah’s classic photo from the same place three years ago:


Sarah’s still working on pics from her camera, but here’s my cell phone version… Samantha and Amelia switched places!



Teaching Meredith the finer points of tractor steering.

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No pumpkin patch trio picture this year. The twins were either hiding behind pumpkins or inadvertently knocking Meredith over, much to her chagrin.

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Jeckyll and Hyde 2013:

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Samantha, Amelia and Meredith. Sometimes, I wonder what life would be like if they were triplets. Never mind. Let’s not go there.


We let the girls choose two rides, and they quickly regretted selecting the teacups. They looked like they were either going to throw up or cry the entire ride.


Meredith loved having Aunt Sarah around for a playmate, especially when the twins were at preschool.


At the end of October, Meredith could rock on all fours and was taking one or two crawls forward, but still hadn’t mastered the whole crawling thing. Her frustration levels had reached epic proportions.

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The girls drive me nuts with board games because they refuse to follow any actual rules. Here they are teaching Aunt Sarah their version of Sneaky Snacky Squirrel (i.e. spin the spinner and throw any number of acorns on the board for no apparent reason).


I’m just an innocent bystander.


Aunt Sarah came with us to Treasure Island beach, where the twins searched for sea creatures and pretended to be mermaids.


Come play with us again soon, Aunt Sarah!


Lots of love,


Summer Family Photo Shoot

While in Utah, Aunt Sarah was generous enough to do a family photo shoot for us at the awesome photo studio in Salt Lake she’s able to access. Our timing was off since Meredith was awake for the drive up to Salt Lake and, hence, was tired out pretty quickly during the actual shoot, but Aunt Sarah worked her magic and captured some photo gold!


Lady Amelia.


Goofball Samantha.


Samantha with her hero.


There were more silly faces from Samantha than genuine smiles but oh well.


Amelia with Daddy and then Mommy.

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The twins unscripted.


I’m ready for my close up!


I could just squeeze that chunk!

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Meredith was so confused… what is all the noise going on behind me?


Watch out! The twins are coming!

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I love me some fur blanket.

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Attempting to be lady-like.



Lots of misplaced accessories during the shoot.

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More goofing off. 2016JulyFourth167

Tea party time!


Samantha had waited all morning for this cookie.

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Where’s MY food?


Sharing their tea and cookies with little sis.


At this point, Meredith was utterly exhausted, and she took a cat nap on the nice blanket while we continued.


It’s amazing she slept with all the chaos!


The studio had some Frank Sinatra and Michael Buble playing the whole time, so we danced while Meredith lounged in the background.

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Moment of reflection. Thanks to Grammy and Aunt Sarah for thinking to bring the chair from home, as well as the tea party set-up and pictures of Great Grandma Darlene and family. It made for a cute vintage look!


And more silliness from Samantha.

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The Thinker Amelia.


It was fun to have so many different areas to shoot in at the studio, as well as bubbles, flower petals and other props for the girls to use.

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Flashback to Aunt Sarah’s wedding!


Dazed and confused, but finally awake.

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What did I miss, guys?


Meredith wasn’t quite sitting up on her own yet, so Aunt Sarah had to snap the pictures quickly. Timber!


Our family, July 2016.


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Thank you, Aunt Sarah and the Photo Collective, for letting us invade the studio and for capturing the craziness that is our family in fantastic detail!

Lots of love,
