Three Lucky Leprechauns

One lucky leprechaun had the tot lot to herself on Saint Paddy’s Day!

These two leprechauns are officially obsessed with all holidays. They constantly ask me to recite the order of all the major holidays we’ve celebrated so far, so that they can calculate how long it will be until Halloween and Christmas. It’s an eternity in four-year-old time.

They had been making leprechaun and clover crafts in school on month, so they knew Saint Patrick’s Day was coming and had assumed because it was a holiday, there would be candy, cake and maybe presents. Sorry, girls!

We brought green leprechaun muffins to school (made out of spinach, and the kids wolfed them down when the teachers told them they were special leprechaun muffins… marketing at its finest!). Their classes also made fruit loop necklaces and played games with golden chocolate coins, so the girls thought it was all acceptably festive as far as minor holidays go.

I had volunteered at their preschool earlier that month helping Miss Becky’s class out with some leprechaun crafts. Amelia and Mila took their sweet time painting the leprechaun’s beard.

Pot of gold craft.

No pinches for these girls.

Great Auntie Lynn treated us to a belated birthday dinner for the girls, who were ecstatic about continuing their birthday celebrations a week later!

Holding this wiggle monster is an ordeal.

We were still recovering from our Disneyland adventure and hadn’t done the girls’ hair in two days– their Elsa and Ariel hair dos from the Anna and Elsa Boutique were still passably intact, so we kept that going for as long as possible!

Happy birthday (again)!

Meredith is such a little copy cat and tries to mimic whatever she sees the girls doing. She grabbed one of their toothbrushes and just started brushing her teeth one day, and has done so every night since. She never wants to feel left out and takes matters into her own hands.

Lots of love,


Second 29th Birthday

Last month, when the twins’ personal mentor/life coach, our friend, Marisa, came to meet Meredith, Samantha and Amelia were telling her all about how old they were (THREE…NO, TWENTY…NO, SIXTEEN!). When Marisa asked how old Mommy was, Amelia replied, “I don’t know. She won’t tell us!”

I have no idea where they got that from since I’ve never withheld my age or acted like it was a big deal in front of them. Out of the mouths of babes!

I thought Amelia’s comment was fitting in light of the fact that I was about to turn thirty–er–29 for the second time.

Jake and the girls helped celebrate such a big milestone in grand fashion, treating me to breakfast in bed, sparkler candles and my favorite decadent flourless dark chocolate cake from Susie Cakes, complete with sparkler candles, homemade cards, a spa day and most of the weekend off to do whatever I wanted in peace… best present ever! Jake and I went out for a birthday dinner date, as well as with friends over the weekend, and we even got treated to a yummy post-Passover matzoh fry breakfast at Aunty Lynn’s house. We continued birthday celebrations into the week by taking a trip out to Palm Springs (never a real vacation with kids, but fun to get away, nonetheless).

I’m not one to really care how old I’m turning, but ending my twenties definitely felt like a big deal, not because of the number necessarily, but more so due to the fact that it made me realize how quickly time is flying. By the time this decade is over, my littles won’t be so little anymore and that makes me a wee bit teary eyed.

I guess the lesson I can learn from my birthday reflections is to enjoy it while it lasts and to not sweat the small stuff (whining, insane energy levels, and epic messes all included). Here’s to turning 29 again… the age I will stay forever!


Lots of love,
