Halloween 2018

Happy Halloween 2018!

Halloween 2013:

A classic from 2013. Amelia is the unhappy one.

2013, 2014, 2015:


The infamous fairy pout faces of 2016:


One year later!



Choosing our Halloween costumes is always an ordeal. There’s a sweet spot on choosing costume timing in which Halloween is close enough that the girls can’t change their minds a million times, but far enough away that there’s still time to look for a cheap costume or borrow one from someone else. When asked what they wanted to be, the twins said they wanted to dress up as the same thing as last year, which would have been fine, but I gave them a few magazines and pre-selected photos from Pinterest I printed out to give them some more ideas anyway. Sadly, they did not choose the 50s family theme I was hoping for! I thought they would all look adorable in poodle skirts, but alas, I think the family themed costumes are a thing of the past for us! At least Eleanor didn’t have a choice, and was forced to wear her baby poodle skirt to our school’s Grease-themed annual dinner.

Someone in our neighborhood was selling a beautiful Chasing Fireflies peacock costume, so even though that wasn’t Samantha’s original choice, once she saw it, she said yes! One down, three to go.

Eleanor had two costumes– one was a 50s baby costume complete with poodle skirt, which matched mine and Jake’s. We doubled up our Halloween costumes to go with the theme of the school’s annual dinner, Grease, to get some more use out of them. I was fully intending on having Eleanor wear her poodle skirt for Halloween as well, until I saw this hilarious baby pineapple costume at Carter’s. She’s only a baby once, so pineapple it was.

Amelia saw an angel costume she fell in love with. But two weeks before Halloween, as soon as she saw Meredith in her ladybug costume, she proclaimed she didn’t want to be an angel anymore, and wanted to match Meredith. Exasperated, I suggested a bumblebee, and told her that was fine if she wanted to switch, but that the money for the additional costume was coming out of her own money! She agreed to the deal and thus, she became a bumblebee.

Grammy came to town and with her help, we carved our pumpkins the day before Halloween.

Eleanor was bored.

Having Grammy around made getting ready a lot more manageable. After school, the girls changed into their costumes, we did hair and makeup and got ready to go to our neighborhood block party/potluck, while Grammy stayed home with napping Eleanor.

We filled up on chili, taquitos, snacks and hot dogs and admired our neighbors’ cute costumes.

I had too much fun pressing “bounce” on my phone.

When Eleanor woke up, we forced the girls to take more pictures before heading out for trick-or-treating.



I think Jake took his character a little too seriously.

Our town becomes one loud, giant party on Halloween, with tons of kids and parents out on the streets, making it so fun and festive. We were even named California’s best town in which to trick-or-treat! 

Meredith had no fear and caught on to the trick-or-treating concept pretty quickly. She had no qualms about entering people’s houses for a look around, either. The twins have always been sufficiently scared of random people that I’ve never been worried about them talking to strangers, but Meredith is another story. She’s a little too friendly!

I love seeing our neighbors’ costumes, so I took a turn answering the door and handing out candy, while the girls, Jake and my mom trick-or-treated with some of the neighborhood kids around our block and then my mom traded with me so that I could go out with the girls. It was the best of both worlds!

Baby Pineapple thought everyone being out so late and in such strange costumes was highly entertaining, until she became glassy-eyed and sleepy from all the excitement. Jake took her home to go to bed while the girls and I ran around to more neighborhoods.

Our town does a Haunted House/House Decorating contest each year and puts out a map so you can find all of them. The girls are still a little young for most of the scary ones, but we did check out our neighbor’s haunted house up the street that they do every year. Last year they had evil clowns with chain saws, and had the same this year.

As we approached, we saw a pack of tween boys screaming and running for their lives as an evil cackle and revvvvvv of a chainsaw echoed in the background. I asked the girls if they wanted to get candy from the house, and they were all gung- ho about it, walking nonchalantly passed the evil clowns and taking their candy. I overheard one of the clowns laughing to another clown, “Did you see those little girls!? They just walked right past me like it was nothing!”

While trick-or-treating, I told the girls they could eat two candies, but I’m pretty sure Meredith snuck in about ten. She was so wired! And so began a month of the girls sorting their candy and picking one out each day for a treat until I got so sick of it that I told the girls I had given their candy away to kids who didn’t get any candy, after which they cried for a day.

Lots of love,


Yankee Doodle Sweethearts: 4th of July 2018

Even though we aren’t allowed to do fireworks here (even the little street spinner kind), the 4th here is always fun in its own right and packed with kid activities.

Our Yankee Doodle Sweethearts all ready to go to the parade and pancake breakfast:


July 4, 2013:







American baby.

Tummies full of pancakes and off to the parade.

The town parade is teeny tiny, but with people throwing candy and a firetruck at the end, it’s pretty exciting for the girls!

The twins refused to participate in the kids fun run, but Meredith was ready to go.

Tears on the playground.

After the parade, everyone headed back for our annual neighborhood block party. The girls went up and down the waterslide for hours on end, while Eleanor and I walked across the street for a short visit. All the ladies fought over who got to hold her next!

I felt bad for all those boys waiting behind Meredith!

After the block party, it was off to play carnival games, get airbrush tattoos and chow down on hot dogs at our town’s 4th of July celebration.

My worst nightmare… junky inflatable carnival prizes!

The girls were so excited to meet a real live policewoman.


Eleanor and I stopped by for a little bit before walking back home to go to bed before the fireworks.

People in our town get up at 6 a.m. to run down to the park and reserve their spots with blankets for the fireworks show and concert, but we didn’t have to do that since Jake is on the Board of Directors. We got valet parking and reserved seating in a little section gated off for us and some of the city volunteers. It even came with free food! Those kind of perks almost make up for all those meetings…

Meredith enjoyed the VIP status and all the free treats.

Eating, eating and more eating…


Too busy snacking to care…

The girls wrestled and looked like a pile of puppies while waiting for the fireworks to start.

Showtime! This was the first year all three stayed up for fireworks! Eleanor and I were already asleep at home!

More wrestling, this time with light sabers…

Happy birthday, America!

Lots of love,



American Cutie Pies 2017

4th of July 2013:

2014: Sorry, Meredith. With you being the third child, we no longer have the time/energy to spend an entire evening decorating a festive wagon for you.


2016 in Utah:

2017: Note the lack of coordinated outfits/done hair compared to past years (everyone wore dresses they already had that just happened to be blue or red). Yeah, we’re tired. Special holiday outfits and holiday photo shoots are a thing of the distant past at this point. But it might be better this way!

We crashed our our friend, Sheela’s, block party the day before the 4th and the twins must have gone up and down that waterslide a hundred times.

Getting soaked with a game of water balloon hot potato.

Grammy and Grandpa drove from Utah to see our new house for the first time and spend the week of the 4th with us.

The girls loved showing Grammy and Grandpa their favorite neighborhood attractions.

Picnic time while Jake and I were getting some house projects done.

Pass the La Croix, please.

The twins have been obsessed with climbing trees lately.

The girls were excited to swim at Grace’s pool and try out her water slide, although Meredith was such a pain that afternoon and did NOT want to be in the water with us.

Special delivery!

Bandit shows off his swimming skills.

BBQ time.


The morning of the 4th, I stayed home and unpacked more boxes while everyone went to the local pancake breakfast and waited for our tiny, but cute, local parade.

Meredith looked liked she grew into a two-year-old overnight! She’s so much bigger at 17 months that the twins were at the same age:

Amelia leads everyone in a rendition of a song they made up in honor of the 4th: “Three cheers for the red, white and blue!” (sung over and over again ad nauseam).

Daddy’s girls.

When will this dumb parade start?


Waiting for the parade in 2014 and 2015:

Please throw candy!

The highlight of the parade:

The twins concluded that, once again, the parade was worth it due to all the candy being thrown to them.

Amelia shows off her spoils in the parade a few years ago:

After the parade, everyone headed back  for our own neighborhood block party. We will always cherish the awesome block parties hosted by the Hossfelds in our old neighborhood, but we were also ready to make new 4th of July memories in our new one. Even though we had already met some of the neighbors, this was our first official meet and greet with everyone, and I didn’t see the twins for about three hours, thanks to the waterslide!

Amelia at one of our old neighborhood 4th of July parties:

We’ve finally found the key to being able to hold adult conversations more than five minutes while the kids are completely occupied:

Meredith on the 4th last year:

Juicy watermelon!

Nap time, anyone?


In the evening, we walked down to the carnival, where the twins were in carnival game heaven, and Jake



I promptly took advantage of Meredith being occupied with the shaved ice to walk her home and we were both fast asleep by 8 p.m.! Meanwhile, Jake, Grandpa and the twins hiked up the hill behind our house and stayed up to watch our local fireworks, as well as those from the beach and surrounding cities. I was happy to offload the firework responsibility to someone else and the girls were excited to finally be able to stay up late enough to see them (barely… the following day was rough).

Lots of love,
