Meredith’s Favorite Things Months 3 & 4


    1. Since Meredith doesn’t have a mirror-image twin to stare at, her sisters’ old baby mirror will have to do!IMG_0136 2Amelia and Samantha used to spend hours staring at each other!IMG_3928 2

2. Samantha and Amelia love to make up stories to go along with Meredith’s simple picture book. IMG_4894

3. Ditto with these black and white animal prints. S and A get pretty creative making up fairy tales involving animals, princesses and Legoland when they show these to Meredith.


4. Meredith laughs at these little finger puppets as well as her monkey puppet.


5. Dangle toys are always a hit, whether playing at home, or on the go in her stroller. Meredith’s particular favorite the past month has been Minnie. IMG_0132

6. We still carry Meredith around in the Solly wrap, but she’s finally getting big enough for the Ergo. Even though her head control is pretty good, we still face her in. She would much prefer to be facing out!

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Honorable mention favorite things:

Watching her sisters eat, particularly if it’s a muffin.


Bath time, going on walks, and playing “airplane.”


Sucking her thumb and peekaboo.


Looking at these owls and the pictures of her sisters in their room.

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Least favorite things: Getting impatient to eat, naps, when her sisters take a nap or aren’t around to entertain her, and Bandit’s startling bark.

It’s a busy world for the busy baby!

Lots of love,


Meredith’s Favorite Things Month Two

Meredith's (2)

During Meredith’s 2nd month, she had a few days of some pretty gnarly diaper rash. I switched to Water Wipes and that did the trick! Meredith’s bum says thank you!


Meredith was much more awake, alert and BUSY this month. The twins have been eyeing her baby toys with lots of interest and were excited to finally be able to “play” with her.

She loves her wooden Haba activity gym and I love it because it’s simple and clean, unlike the over-stimulating, electronic baby jungle gym the twins used. We still have the old monstrosity we used with the twins, but Meredith understandably prefers the simple one. The height is adjustable too, which makes it easy to change things up for her when she’s on the Boppy. IMG_4547

Her favorite danglers are the cute wooden Haba ones and her high contrast Manhattan Toy mobile. Her arms and legs still make jerky movements, but this month, she started intentionally swatting her dangly toys. IMG_0174


Clothes-wise, Meredith has been sporting the twins’ old clothes (double of everything is nice when she spits up on something!) and she’s lucky that she’s been getting so many cute hand-me-downs from her baby friend, Maple. Her favorite new items are the super soft Aden + Anais onesies and her cozy Baby Gap footed sleepers. IMG_4368

The last item is more for me, but now that we’ve been getting out and about to the park more, we’ve fallen in love with our Jujube diaper backpack. Why I ever had an over-the-shoulder diaper bag with the twins, I will never know. Backpacks are so much easier!

It’s clear from revisiting the twins’ favorite things that Meredith has her own unique baby style. How times have changed!

Lots of love,
