From wombmates to roommates, these two four-year-olds are still as close as can be! In between the constant arguing, tattle-telling, badgering, teasing and driving each other crazy, there are some sweet moments. Today, before bed, we were sitting on the couch and Amelia hugged Samantha saying, “I love you because you’re my sister.” Samantha repeated the same to Amelia and they both gave Meredith, who was feeling left out, a giant bear hug and “I love you’s.” Those heart-melting moments make up for all of the hair-pulling ones.
From becoming big sisters to starting preschool, these girls have really grown up over the past year!
Their big day began with a festive balloon drop… because who wouldn’t want to be showered with balloons on their birthday?
The girls chowed down on the traditional funfetti birthday pancakes, which, tragically, did not turn out as fluffy and pretty as in years’ past. The girls still gobbled them up just the same!
Funfetti birthday pancakes in their former glory:
After breakfast, the girls caught a frog on the patio! While I was shrieking and leaping back in fear, the girls were super calm and tried their best not to squeeze it to death.
The girls played with some of their fun crafts and gifts from their birthday celebration the day before, and opened some birthday packages that had come in the mail. We are loving this awesome Shakespeare for kids set from Marisa and Lori! I love it when I don’t have to be bored to tears during storytime!
Samantha and Harper went for a cruise to the park in their bday jeep from Katie and Jenny.
Won’t be long before they are driving their friends to the mall… I just had a minor heart attack.
Meredith LOVES this thing. She’ll hop in and start hitting the steering wheel and screeching for someone to start it for her.
Let the good times roll.
Samantha and Amelia had their ballet/yoga class while Meredith took her morning nap, and then we met up with Phi, Michael, Parker and Baby Maple for some pasta and foosball/bean bag tossing. Parker and Maple always have the most excellent audiobook recommendations and gave the girls Madeline and Cat in the Hat, which we’ve been enjoying in the car!
These two were hilarious toddling around with their signature baby zombie walks.
SQUEEZE. The girls wouldn’t take off their number 4 necklaces from Meredith until bedtime and randomly kissed Meredith and told her thank you throughout the day.
Hmmmm… I think it goes through this hole.
Eh. Close enough.
Struggling to hold wiggly babies!
I think it was time for a nap…
Later that day, Grammy and Grandpa drove in from Utah just in time for birthday cake with Great Grandpa.
Make a wish! We are apparently going to have an awesome Christmas this year, because every time the girls throw a coin in a pond or wish for something, they wish for a “Merry Christmas!”
Chocolate and milk YUM.
The only way I can get the girls to look at the camera and smile for pictures these days is to have them make a silly face first, and then tell them to switch to their princess smile faces.
Close enough.
Way to start off a year of four and fabulous!
Lots of love,