San Diego and Eleanor’s Entourage

Meredith planned the perfect time to break her knee and have a full length cast on because just a week later, Grammy, Grandpa and Aunt Sarah came to town! By then, the cast didn’t deter Meredith much, so we went about our normal activities. We had always wanted to try taking the train down to San Diego, and the girls finally got their chance with Grammy, Grandpa and Aunt Sarah as their volunteer tour operators.

Photo by Sarah:

A life goal fulfilled.

Ok, I’m over it.

There’s a local blog I follow which had a “practically free” day trip to San Diego itinerary. Kids were free on the train and most of the activities were free as well, although we’d definitely skip some of the activities and just do the children’s museum or Balboa Park next time.

They stopped at Old Town for some sightseeing around the shops and Mexican food for lunch. They also played at the park and then hopped on the train back home, totally exhausted from their journey. Photos by Sarah.

While our visitors were here, Jake, the girls, and everyone else took a walk on the San Clemente beach trail and stopped for breakfast and dessert.

Meredith was not going to let her cast hold her back from rock climbing.

Eleanor also welcomed visitors from afar coming to pay her tribute! Great Aunt Linda and Great Uncle David drove from Yucca and Annie and cousins Jack, Eleri, and Rhys came from Connecticut for the day, bearing gifts for everyone. Eleanor adored all the cuddles and attention. Meredith and the twins were so excited to play with their cousins and enjoyed a full day of swimming, playing and non-stop snacking.

Photos by Sarah:

Cuddles with Grandpa.

Chilling with Grammy.

Hugs from Great Aunt Linda.

Mesmerized by Great Uncle David’s beard.

Tea time with Great Aunt Annie.

The only person she would smile for was Great Grandpa!

So tired after a long day of visitors!

Rhys was especially so cute with Samantha and Amelia. It was a special treat to play with cousins all day!

All sugared up on strawberry shortcake.

Our pool was definitely at capacity!

Lots of love,


Newborn Eleanor Week 2

Newborn Eleanor Week 2 was another very tiring blur of feed/pump/change diapers/wash bottles/feed everyone else/sleep/repeat. Eleanor was still sleeping most of the day and waking up frequently at night, so we were basically zombies just trying to survive. Luckily, Grammy was still there to help out and Grandpa also came to visit and meet the baby, along with out three other little “mommies” who couldn’t get enough of the baby. In Amelia’s words, “A REAL baby is SO much better than playing with our dollies!”

The girls did lots of swimming, park days and lounging around!

Nice to meet you, Grandpa!

No one, apparently, wanted to be in this picture.

The cousins came for a visit and went to the waterpark!

Dinner out in San Juan Capistrano– the kids were occupied by the trains passing by and all behaved really well!

Eleanor and I hung out at home while the cousins were out and about.

I want to go toooooo!

Queen Eleanor received many royal visitors every day. Pleasure to meet you, Phi and Sheela!

Maple is always the sweetest with Eleanor.

Meredith wanted to be a baby too.

All of the “babies” swaddled up!

Meredith had her own private beach morning with cousins Noah and Hailey while the twins were in preschool.

Magnatiles and trains are always a winner at our house.

Nice to meet you, Lily and Avery!

Walks around the neighborhood were the extend of Eleanor’s outings the first few weeks!


With school out, the twins were really excited to see some of our friends again, and Meredith had to learn to share with the crowd!

Lots of love,


Four Five And Under Week 1

Our first week home with newborn Elle was a whirlwind of feeding, late nights, early mornings, and driving the other girls around to all their activities! Thank goodness Grammy and Aunt Sarah were there to help out. The twins were still in preschool three days a week through the end of June, so there was drop-off, pick-up, lunch packing and Helper of the Day to take care of, plus swimming lessons for all three. We divided and conquered, with me handling mostly just the baby, and Grammy and Aunt Sarah taking charge of the twins, Meredith and pretty much everything else.

Our first night home with Eleanor was rough! She was awake all hours of the night and Jake and I had a few moments of “What have we done??!!!” as the sleep deprivation began to take its toll. Exhaustion and feeling like a cow are all I remember about the first few weeks! Eleanor liked to sleep a lot during the day, which we hoped would reverse into more night sleeping soon as she got used to her new environment. To add to the mayhem, due to her elevated jaundice levels, Jake and I took turns carting her to the pediatrician for her check-up and then to the hospital lab for blood work every day that week. It was exhausting and one more thing to worry about! Fortunately, her levels went down on their own by Saturday and we didn’t need to take home a special lamp for phototherapy or admit her to the hospital.

Before Eleanor was born, we worried about how Meredith would take a new little sister in our crew, but she did the best out of everyone! She was eager to help grab diapers, toys, cuddle and help feed a bottle to Eleanor. The twins were also enamored of their baby sister and showed their preschool classes pictures and made cards for her. The girls were especially excited when Eleanor brought them some “nice to meet you” presents and toys, and were also happy when anyone came to visit since that usually meant they received some “big sister” gifts as well.

Showering the new babe with love! Photos by Sarah Arnoff

Kisses for Queen Eleanor.

Meredith’s antics always make for good photo opportunities.

Who needs camping when we can have s’mores in our backyard.

More photos from Week 1 (my cell phone pics because I was too out of it to take any good ones!)

Those newborn alien eyes!

Where am I??!!

The girls loved checking the mail every day for cute baby gifts from friends and family.

Aunt Sarah and the baby queen.

Dreamy smile.

Meredith always has way too much fun with Snapchat filters.

Since Eleanor was born on the day their preschool had their Daddy Daughter day, Jake took them out for pancakes another day to make up for not being there. The girls agreed it was an acceptable trade.

Samantha and Amelia are great climbers– their favorite is practicing in a tree at the end of our cul-de-sac.

The twins were always picking bouquets for me on their walks.

Saturday morning paddle boarding adventure in Newport while I stayed home with the baby.

Our twins club had a playdate/party at the park, complete with a little petting zoo, and a traveling reptile zoo.

Meredith meets a tortoise.

Eek snake.

Snuggle time! Mmmmm that newborn smell (and the smell of Dreft) is so delicious!

Grammy and Eleanor.

Meeting Great Grandpa.

Meeting Great Auntie Lynn and Great Uncle Steve.

It’s officially summer! Let the daily watermelon extravaganza begin.


Lots of love,


Easter 2018

Easter happened to fall during the twins’ Spring Break this year, so we took a road trip to Utah, leaving at 3 a.m. on Saturday and arriving a record 8.5 hours later. I was dreading the driving, especially being uncomfortably pregnant, but it was actually our best road trip ever! Meredith had intermittent bouts of screaming to get out of her car seat, as expected, but for the most part, the girls were great and we only stopped three times for gas and bathroom breaks, making the journey seem short from what we are used to. We may finally be turning a corner on road trips!

Easter was easy for me this year since my mom had bought everything for their baskets and Uncle Mike and Ali put them together for me. They also filled the eggs with candy, a few with dollars and hid them around the backyard. I did absolutely nothing but relax, so it felt like the Easter Bunny really did come this year!

Sunday morning the girls awoke to their Easter baskets and a giant Easter egg hunt in the backyard. Along with bubbles, stuffed animals and a few other crafts and toys, they loved the peanut butter caramel chocolate eggs inscribed with their names– thanks, Grammy! I didn’t have to put in any effort at all!

Meredith, what is this pout face about??!

Meredith wanted to enjoy her chocolate after finding each egg instead of waiting until the end.

Amelia was excited about actually having to hunt for eggs this year, since we have a much smaller backyard!

Samantha shows off her basket.

Ali helps out Meredith with retrieving an egg.





Distracted by the bunny.


Showing off their spoils.

Nom nom.

I brought some silly string and the girls had their first silly string fight in the backyard!

They mostly just stood straight across from each other and sprayed, instead of running around.

Meredith was not a fan of the silly string!

Help me, Uncle Mike!

Take cover!

It was a gorgeous spring day and the girls played outside after all the Easter morning excitement.

Story time.

Grandpa had made a delicious seder meal the night before and Sunday we all enjoyed Grammy’s Easter feast.

Devouring matzoh kugel and fruit kugel the night before Easter for Grandpa’s seder dinner:

Grammy’s yummy Easter dinner.


We were so glad Uncle Mike and Ali came down from Wyoming to spend Easter and that we could make it to Utah this year! The girls had their best Easter ever!

Lots of love,
