Pie Face, Tanaka Farms and Zoo Fun

While Grammy and Grandpa were in town, the girls introduced them to their favorite new game, Pie Face! I wouldn’t really call it a “game”– it’s pretty much turning a dial, sticking your face in a hole and waiting to see if it’s your lucky turn for a handful of whipped cream to hit you in the face. It’s like a sugary version of the board game, Don’t Wake Daddy! The anticipation is the scariest/most exciting part!

Meredith did not understand the point of the game and hated getting messy! She ran off to play more intelligent games, like Risk.

The anticipation!

Swim time with Grammy.

A morning at the park while the twins were in preschool.

Grammy and Grandpa tagged along for our annual trip to the Tanaka Farms pumpkin patch.

Meredith is obsessed with any kind of vehicle– cars, trucks, airplanes, tractors– she gets so excited!

Previous years:

All grown up:


Meredith was very meticulous about her pumpkin picking and traded out her pumpkins from the wheelbarrow several times.

She refused to let anyone help her carry the pumpkins.

Last year, she didn’t have a choice of pumpkins, so this was a vast improvement in her book.

This is getting a little heavy!

Wheelbarrow blast from the past:


We almost lost these crazies in the corn maze!

What’s better than frolicking through a patch of pumpkins? Climbing on a huge pile of them.

Queens of the mountain.

And if that wasn’t enough fall fun, the girls were treated to a zoo trip with Grammy and Grandpa. The real treat was mine, since I got to stay home! Not sure what I did during that time off, but I’m sure it was more relaxing than normal!

Fascinated on the train:

Monkey time.

Lots of love,


Lazy Summer Days in Utah

After Jake flew home for the next week, the girls and I explored all the splash pads in Utah County (why weren’t those there when I was a kid?), visited with friends and family and mostly just hung out in the backyard. By Day Two, “Where is Daddy????” was the constant refrain/wail from the girls and compounded by the intense August heat, by Day Five, they were in complete meltdown mode. Still, we enjoyed our lack of a strict schedule and waking up every morning with no plans, but to see where the day took us. It was a “slow summer” (or as close as we usually get) at its finest.

Intuitively feeling a meltdown moment coming on, Grammy saved the day by pulling out a craft kit that lasted through those lazy, hot afternoons all week!

Good morning (hopefully)!

A little spider in her web.

Every day when Grammy got home from work, she’d find us lounging around in the backyard, with the kids begging me to push them on the swings, and me in an adirondack chair, pretending I couldn’t hear them. She took over kid duty for me, while I made dinner in peace (a welcome trade-off).

It was scorching hot by 10 a.m., so we tried to hit the trail early in the morning with a bike or scooter ride.

We visited the Highland, Springville, Orem, and Bluffdale splash pads, with Bluffdale and Springville being our faves.

Not only did Wardle Fields in Bluffdale have an enormous splash pad, waterfall, and a creek running through it, the girls were thrilled with the massive zipline and huge playground.

All the heat and humidity culminated in rain and thunderstorms one morning, so after a few hours of bounce house jumping at Kangaroo Zoo, we stopped at the iconic Taco Amigo on the way home… this one’s for you, Kati!

Uncle Mike provided comic relief during meltdown moments and accompanied the girls on a bike ride in the 90 degree evening heat!

Our other Uncle Mike was also there to be silly with the girls and trade off swing duty.

Meredith loved the revolving door of family coming in and out!

It didn’t get dark early enough for the girls to actually roast marshmallows at night, but they did roast them in the heat of the evening, and didn’t seem to mind.

Lounging with Aunt Sarah.

We met up with two of my high school friends at the splash pad in Springville and had quite the crew between us all. Meredith played with everyone, while the twins ran off and made some other completely random friend.

We also hung out with my friend, Katie, from teaching school, who moved to Utah last year. Her twins, Lizzy and Iris, were good sports playing duck duck goose with my twins (my girls’ rules of the game are iffy).

During our vacation, I was trying to transition Meredith to a one-nap day once and for all, and, as a consequence, she was a nightmare from 9 am-1 pm every day! When we visited Thanksgiving Point and rode the ponies, kind strangers offered to hold a screaming/kicking/banshee wailing Meredith while I helped the girls onto their horses and took pictures. Meredith alternated between shrieking in delight when we walked around to see the rest of the chickens, goats, horses, cows, llamas and other animals, and shrieking in anger whenever I pulled her back from climbing into the animal pens!

Jake arrived back in Utah a week later to three little girls clambering for his attention non-stop. I pretty much clocked out for the next week, being exhausted from the week before! Meredith and I took a long nap the day he came back, while he took the twins to the Gateway Discovery Children’s Museum in SLC with Grandma Celeste.

Checking out the train station.

It was an exhausting week for everyone!

Lots of love,


Trek to Utah Summer 2017

At the end of July through first week of August, we packed up and spent a few weeks of family and adventure-packed time in Utah! I had debated whether to send Jake and twins in the car while I flew with Meredith, like we did last year, but ultimately decided we were better off with Meredith strapped in a car seat, screaming, than on a plane, in my lap, screaming. She’s insanely strong and I probably would have ended up buying her her own seat, just to keep her restrained on a plane, so we decided to roll the dice and drive!

We started our travel off late in the day, thanks to the girls’ dance class in the morning and an Amazon package carrying some last-minute Keens for our trip that was late. As soon as we spotted the UPS truck with the coveted Amazon package on board, we jumped for joy and were finally able to take off in the afternoon. I always underestimate how cranky the kids get with late-in-the-day travel, and this was no exception. I always assume evening road trips will be a breeze since they will most definitely drift off in the car, right? Maybe everyone else’s kids, but not ours!

By Vegas, it was well past bedtime, and yet everyone was wide-eyed, whiny and sick of the car/each other. Thanks to the long stretches of desert and crossing time zones, it was still light out at 9 p.m., and without any blackout shades in sight, no one could fall asleep, despite the steady hum of the car. At one point, late that night, everyone was screaming, I had my headphones on ignoring everyone, and Jake was gripping the wheel, diet coke in hand, when suddenly, they all went silent. Having finally conked out, the kids were peaceful for an hour before we had to unload everyone at Jake’s brother’s vacation home in St. George to rest for the night. At least we had made our first leg of the trek unscathed (physically, at least… I still have mental scars!)

The twins were bewildered to wake up in unfamiliar bunk beds, and Meredith wasted no time trying to make a mess in every room in the morning, so we left as quickly as possible, not wanting to risk damaging anything in the nice vacation house! The four-hour drive to Lindon that morning was much better than the six hour torture-session the previous day, and the girls arrived at Grammy’s in good spirits.

Ready to go, with four bikes and a baby bike seat attached.

Everyone was too excited to see cousins to nap, so we all ran them ragged in the hot sun and put everyone to bed early. Allison, Zack, Noah and Hailey had flown to Utah a few days prior to us arriving and we were so excited to hang out and show them the sights for a few days!

Look, another baby!

Hailey was confused!

During the Gerins’ stay, we headed out in the morning for activities, came back for naps (or non-naps in Samantha and Amelia’s cases), and then typically spent the afternoons playing in the backyard. It was about as relaxing a vacation as is possible with our crew.

Cousin swinging time.

Meredith has started refusing to sit in her high chair for more than a few minutes before demanding a big girl chair.

We slept over at Tyler and Elizabeth’s house in Provo while the Gerins were at my parents, and every morning, the girls got a few jumps in on the trampoline before taking off. They really miss our old trampoline!

A new best doggie friend– Roger.   

I love Aunt Sarah.

Meredith enjoyed poking and prodding Hailey to no end, in addition to constantly trying to steal her food.

Our stay coincided with Pioneer Day, so the girls participated in the obligatory sparklers, parachutes and backyard fireworks display. The twins were exhausted, and being mean parents, we didn’t let them stay up until it actually got dark to do fireworks, so the fireworks looked pretty sad in the daylight. Maybe next year!

I spent many a summer day making rivers and lakes with the hose in this sandpit. I was happy it had the same appeal to the kids!

Being efficient with cousin bath time.


Belated birthday celebration for Noah. Clearly, he was disappointed to have to eat cake AGAIN.

Sadly, the girls weren’t very interested in the slip ‘n’ slide this year.

So much swinging. All. The. Time.

One rainy morning, we visited the Museum of Natural Curiosity and the kids had a blast on the zipline and water area inside.

More swinging…

Meredith’s favorite thing to do is bike…or rather ride on the back of my bike.

The biking trail is right out Grammy and Grandpa’s back gate, which made family bike rides a very convenient activity.

Noah was lightning fast on his scooter and held his own with the girls on their bikes.

Poor Bandit kept watch in the backyard while we were out.

Every night after a day packed with cousin fun, the girls conked out at 7 p.m., just like this. 

Lots of love,


Zoo with Grammy and Olivia’s Bowling Party

Grammy unexpectedly came to stay with us for a few days, which was a nice surprise and immensely helpful as we were able to have her babysit while we house hunted and packed. For Valentine’s Day, Jake put together a cute scavenger hunt including different cards and envelopes that said cryptic things like, “Pack two changes of clothes and a swim suit… a car will await you at 7:15 on Thursday…” Since his envelopes were supposed to be spaced out among a few days and I am every bit as neurotic as he is spontaneous, I got to the bottom of his elaborate puzzle without opening all the envelopes.

Exasperated at my lack of patience, he spilled the beans on his plans, which included him arranging for my mom to come out for the long weekend to watch the girls while we flew to Vegas for a concert. Extra points for creativity and planning on Jake’s part, but between Meredith coming down with a high fever (it ended up being her first ear infection) and us accepting an offer on our house that same week, I asked for a raincheck on the romantic weekend he had taken so much time planning. I felt so bad cancelling such a fun and spontaneous surprise, but at least he was able to sell the tickets and get a credit for our plane. Long story short, we ended up having my mom come out anyways and used the extra help to take care of business. Not very romantic, but we did get a lot done!

In between house projects, I took advantage of Grammy’s visit to take the girls to the zoo. Meredith was squirming and screaming while we waited an eternity for the ride operator to check that everyone was strapped in, but as soon as the carousel started spinning, Meredith was mesmerized. She stared at the pole moving up and down, completely transfixed and delighted that she had the good fortune of riding a magical horse!

Samantha’s favorite ride at the zoo is the train, and she asked Grammy to accompany her while Meredith, Amelia and I were on the carousel.

Picnic lunch.

I think we maybe saw a total of three animals on this trip. All the girls wanted to do was climb on statues, eat, ride the carousel and train, and play on the playground.

A day at the zoo is not complete without stopping to say hi to Bryan, the good friend of Marisa, one of my former students and the girls’ awesome friend/mentor!

How cute is this bowling party idea? The twins and I had a girls’ afternoon bowling for Olivia’s birthday party and I thought it was such a low-key and FUN idea for a kid’s birthday party!

Our bowling buddies, Chelsea, Addison, Olivia, Amelia, Camdyn, Samantha and London.

Samantha refused to let me help her at all with the entire bowling procedure, and I had to bite my lips in anxiety watching her carry the eight-pound ball by herself to the ramp. I also had to bite my tongue and refrain from freaking out every time the girls touched their hands to their mouths after sticking their fingers in the holes of the bowling ball. Am I the only one grossed out by those balls and those shoes?

Even when it was Samantha’s turn, Amelia insisted on joining her so she didn’t have to sit alone. I think the girls have inherited my bowling abilities, which are nonexistent. Good thing they didn’t care about the score and thought that when the machine knocked down all the pins at the end of their turn, that they had gotten a strike. “MOMMY! I KNOCKED DOWN ALL THE PINS!” they’d yell excitedly every time. I didn’t have the heart to break it to them.

“Let’s go, ball! Let’s go, ball!” they chanted in unison.

The bowling alley has a kids bowl free all summer program, so we may be going more often this summer since the girls were obsessed!

Lots of love,
