Thanksgiving 2 in Yucca and Palm Springs

The day after Thanksgiving, we had planned to drive a few hours to Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David’s house in Yucca Valley and spend some time with them and Grammy, Grandpa and Aunt Sarah, who drove out from Utah, and Uncle Mike and Ali who drove out from Wyoming. The whirlwind of the week of Thanksgiving, however, had finally caught up with me, and I woke up feeling exhausted and like a cold was coming on. That, coupled, with feeling nauseous and dizzy from morning sickness (all-day sickness, really), was enough to keep me in bed and sadly, unable to travel.

Jake was still up for taking all three girls, however, so after summoning up the energy to get them all packed, I bid farewell as they took off on their journey through the desert. While I wish I could have come to hang out with everyone for Thanksgiving weekend, a nice, restful three-day staycation at home was just what the doctor ordered!

Meanwhile, in the desert, the girls were having a blast on their extended Daddy-Daughter date (minus the not-so-fun extra few hours in the car both ways due to traffic over the holiday). Jake and the girls stayed at a Marriott condo in Palm Desert, and met up with our family at Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David’s house upon arrival for a second Thanksgiving feast. The next morning, they met up with everyone at the Living Desert Zoo in Palm Springs.

Getting the text updates at home made me miss everyone! They had so much fun riding camels and playing at the zoo that I don’t think they missed me!

Camel ride for two.

No camel ride for Meredith, so she had to settle for a ride on Daddy’s shoulders.

Silly Great Uncle David!

Posing for this picture is SO lame, Daddy.

Cheery Meredith is always up for saying a big “CHEESE!”

The adults try to catch up with Meredith.

Meredith was so excited to hold the birdies… until one bit her.

Hey, did that thing bite me?

Ouch! Whenever Meredith sees birds, she STILL talks about the “Bad birdie ouchie.”

NOT funny, Grammy!

The twins, fortunately, had a bite-free experience.

Feed the birds. Tuppence a bag.

Amelia the bird lady.

Sammy calls for one more bird.

Pizza time.

Taking a rest back at the condo after a busy day.

A pretty view, minus Jake’s monster feet.

Back in Yucca, the girls loved visiting the park by Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David’s house.

Riding the stagecoach.

Meredith got a little too dizzy spinning with Uncle Mike.

Before leaving back home, everyone met up for breakfast in town.

As a parting gift, Aunt Linda and Uncle David gave the girls a bunch of old hats from Uncle David’s mom’s house… perfect for dress up!

Jake and the girls had to take several rest stops on the way home because the holiday weekend traffic was so bad. Very glad I was not in the car with them!

When Jake and girls collapsed through the door, they looked like bedraggled travelers who had just completed a pilgrimage through the desert for months! They had a fun time, but the car ride and exhaustion from all the excitement had definitely taken its toll, especially on Jake!

Back at home, while I had spent a relaxing weekend resting and trying to curb my morning sickness, I had also torn the house apart all weekend looking everywhere, including the trash, for my wedding ring, which I had taken off while preparing Thanksgiving dinner and thought for sure it must have been accidentally thrown away! I was near hysterical when Jake and the girls returned, but fortunately, Jake found it behind one of our dressers without too much effort. I swear I had already looked there, but I blamed it on the pregnancy brain!

I missed everyone, but the girls loved their adventurous Thanksgiving and seeing our family. A big thanks to Great Aunt Linda and Uncle David for hosting, the rest of our family for helping with the girls in my absence, and Jake for letting me stay home in bed!

Lots of love,
