Beach Cruisers, Tanks, and August Adventures

In August, the girls checked off quite a few items from their summer bucket list, and then some.

$2 movie matinee with a probably $20 ridiculously enormous bucket of popcorn:

Biking on the boardwalk in Newport Beach, riding the Balboa ferry and playing games at the Balboa Fun Zone:

Beach cruisin’


Sunburned and exhausted!

Once again, the twins picked out everyone’s outfits for church.

Outfit change and after church bike ride.

There was some kind of safety fair going on at the park and the girls had a blast checking out the fire trucks, police car, and an army tank.


Ready to report for duty.

It’s not summer without an outdoor concert.

Daredevils at the skate park:

Jake and the girls ran into Parker and Maple at Home Depot!

The kids made some cute bookends!

In case you’re wondering where pictures of Eleanor and I are on these outings, there are none! Jake took the girls on pretty much every one of outings the entire summer, giving Eleanor and I some much needed peace and quiet on the weekends!

All of our babies get baby acne around 6 weeks, and Eleanor was no exception 🙁


Most of our kids complained about tummy time, but Eleanor hardly seemed to care we were forcing her to strengthen those neck muscles!


Hanging out with her favorite baby friend.


Meredith loved meeting Marisa and being cuddled for hours!


Contemplating the meaning of life…


Lots of love,


Newborn Eleanor Week 2

Newborn Eleanor Week 2 was another very tiring blur of feed/pump/change diapers/wash bottles/feed everyone else/sleep/repeat. Eleanor was still sleeping most of the day and waking up frequently at night, so we were basically zombies just trying to survive. Luckily, Grammy was still there to help out and Grandpa also came to visit and meet the baby, along with out three other little “mommies” who couldn’t get enough of the baby. In Amelia’s words, “A REAL baby is SO much better than playing with our dollies!”

The girls did lots of swimming, park days and lounging around!

Nice to meet you, Grandpa!

No one, apparently, wanted to be in this picture.

The cousins came for a visit and went to the waterpark!

Dinner out in San Juan Capistrano– the kids were occupied by the trains passing by and all behaved really well!

Eleanor and I hung out at home while the cousins were out and about.

I want to go toooooo!

Queen Eleanor received many royal visitors every day. Pleasure to meet you, Phi and Sheela!

Maple is always the sweetest with Eleanor.

Meredith wanted to be a baby too.

All of the “babies” swaddled up!

Meredith had her own private beach morning with cousins Noah and Hailey while the twins were in preschool.

Magnatiles and trains are always a winner at our house.

Nice to meet you, Lily and Avery!

Walks around the neighborhood were the extend of Eleanor’s outings the first few weeks!


With school out, the twins were really excited to see some of our friends again, and Meredith had to learn to share with the crowd!

Lots of love,


June Recap

Our June was filled with perfect weather, lots of beach and pool days, wrapping up preschool, and basically just surviving until the baby came. Those last few weeks of pregnancy were not exactly comfortable, (if I had a dime for every time someone told me I looked like I would pop any day now, I’d be rich!) and every day was filled with the uncertainty of if that would be our last day as a family of five or not! I was exhausted and Meredith was frustrated that I couldn’t do much– including sitting down on the floor to play with her or reading with anyone in my lap. I was also in full-on nesting mode, staying up all hours of the night to organize the pantry, dust the baseboards, clean the fridge, and frantically pleading with Jake to do the most random jobs (changing out lightbulbs, painting the bathroom– not joking!)  Saint that he is, he took it all in stride and tried not to point out the fact that I was crazy! Somehow, we made it through the month.

Celebrating our friend, Marisa’s, graduation from college at the beach in Newport since we wouldn’t be able to attend the ceremony. At some point during our morning, Meredith crashed some kid’s birthday party and I found her over at their picnic table, eating treats and trying to steal balloons!

Weekly park day with our friends. We usually have some boys in the mix, but this day it was all girls and for whatever reason, the balance was off and the girls fought the whole time! Maple and Meredith both ended up with scraped knees and bruised faces (not from each other– each took a spill). It was a crazy playdate!

Field trip to the Discovery Cube Museum. Since there was no way I was fitting my pregnant self into those tiny bus seats, Jake valiantly chaperoned in my place.


I was just about to commend ourselves on how peaceful of a morning we were having, when Amelia threw up in the pool and the lifeguards had to shut it down for a few hours to shock the system with chlorine. She mostly threw up water, after swallowing a ton of it swimming, but it was still gross! Fortunately, there weren’t too many people there, but we still apologized as we took our walk of shame back home. For the rest of the summer, we stayed at our own pool!

We somehow made it the entire summer without Meredith pooping in the pool! The waterpark in our neighborhood is constantly getting shut down because of “code browns,” and if your kid is the one who pooped and was not wearing one of the diaper cover ups they hand out for free, you will be publicly shamed on the Ladera Moms Facebook Page! I usually put three layers of swim diaper/diaper cover ups on Meredith, but was still paranoid whenever we went out to the public pool. The only pool she ended up having an accident in was our own pool!

Meredith investigates a two bicycle crash.

You guys okay?

Morning at the park.

Meredith somehow grabbed my phone and was taking pictures of me at school pick-up. I guess this is how I look from the kids’ point of view!

We had several false labor alarms, one of which was right before heading on a family Costco run. After feeling some contractions, I told Jake we better zip it to Costco to stock up on food, and we raced around the store, literally telling people to move out of the way because I was in labor! I was doubled over in pain a few times in the  middle of the aisle, but we made it through and still had time for what we thought would be our last meal as a family of five. I took a picture to commemorate, but it didn’t end up being our last evening out. I was dilated to a 3 for WEEKS before going into labor for real!

Samantha and Amelia have an obsession with putting undies on their heads at bedtime.

The weekend of my due date (June 17), Grammy and Aunt Sarah came to town. Even though the baby hadn’t come yet, it was perfect timing since I was too exhausted to really do much of anything with the girls. They took the girls to the Oso trail for a nature walk and fairy hunting. A local artist had set up cute fairy houses all along the trail and the girls loved examining the teeny tiny fairy sculptures. 

Movie night with Aunt Sarah!

Our last few weeks of June were quite eventful– birth story up next!

Lots of love,


March Recap

Here’s our random March photo dump:

While almost everyone else stayed inside or went to indoor play gyms with their kids on rainy days, we took full advantage! It doesn’t rain very often and the girls always get so excited (plus, I wanted to get as much use out of our rain gear, which mostly gets neglected the majority of the year). The girls love to walk to the top of our neighborhood, place leaves in the gutter and run all the way down the street, following their journey downstream.

Singing in the rain.

Lots of spring cleaning happened, especially on rainy days.

Amelia: “Mommy– do you want to have kids so that they can do work for you?”

Me: “Yes, Amelia. You’ve figured it out!”

Rainy day fort building.

In between the rain we had some random hot days!

Checking out a new park with Gavin.

We go through about 1.5 billion pieces of construction paper per day as the twins LOVE to color/draw/paint, and Meredith tries to copy them (although she is not allowed to have markers anymore until she learns to put the caps back on consistently). The twins’ favorite is drawing hearts, rainbows, our family, cats, and themselves. They’ll run up to show me their creations and even though I’ve explained where they can hang up their most treasured works of art and that we can’t possibly save every single one of the drawings, heaven forbid they find them in the recycle bin! I have to be pretty sneaky about it.

On St. Patrick’s Day, Samantha, Amelia, Meredith, Maliyah and Allie created a “leprechaun nest” at the park in order to hopefully attract leprechauns. On our next visit there, the nest was mysteriously missing, so the girls concluded their experiment to lure leprechauns was a success.

Meredith and Sheela get some one-on-one time.

Our weekly Tuesday park date group!

Cupcake, yum!

Lazy day harmonica playing on the swing.

Park playdate with Parker, Maple, and Jenny.

Bug hunting.

The girls were so excited to have Great Grandpa over!

Post-church walk around the creek.

Meredith is the youngest out of the kids in her little gymnastics class, but she keeps up and can’t wait to go whenever we tell her it’s gym time. Her favorite part is putting on her leotard.


Check out my new shoes!

Making waffles on a Saturday morning.

Samantha and Amelia got it into their heads that they absolutely needed to perfect their cartwheels and practiced non-stop.

The twins attended their first baptism for their friend, Kennedy, and now they pretend to “baptize” each other in the bath.

Meredith on her Strider!

I normally don’t include stuff on this blog that doesn’t involve our whole family, but Sheela’s surprise 40th bday party is an exception because the girls helped out with the cake tasting, decor and other party planning shenanigans for months! Sheela’s husband, Todd, booked an awesome private room at a restaurant and was great with putting together the catering menu and so many of the little details. I was very impressed with his party planning organization! Phi, myself and our families had a blast in the months leading up to the party putting together the decorations, doing cake tastings (the husbands and kids were not complaining about that one!) and selecting the desserts. The party turned out amazing and Sheela was so surprised and loved it!

Todd ordered these hilarious “Sheela” face cut-outs, so this is what Sheela saw when walked into the room:

Phi and I were sad when it was over because we had so much fun with the planning! Between Sheela’s and the twins’ party, it was a March full of big events interspersed with everyday fun!

Lots of love,
