February Randomness

Our February started out on the not-so-lovely side with a domino effect of sickness which spread like the plague through preschool and then our house. Fortunately, I remained unscathed, but from the tail end of January until the middle of February, at least one person was sick at our house!

The girls missed a week of school, with Amelia and Samantha coming down with a fever, congestion and lingering cough within a few days of each other and Meredith getting the worst of it. I was at the pediatrician’s office four times within six days and basically lived at the pharmacy. I was sure it was the dreaded flu, but it turned out to be just a really nasty cold with accompanying coughing that lasted forever.

I probably need to work on my nursing/compassion skills because I was so sick of taking care of sick people by the end of the ordeal and could not keep my crankiness under wraps! We are so lucky to have such mild weather all year long that I forget what it’s like to be stuck inside the house since we are usually outside for a good portion of each day, and the quarantining due to sickness really took a toll on my sanity. We went on short walks every day and played in our backyard a little bit, but I didn’t want to venture to the park either with friends or by ourselves so as not to infect anyone. That, combined with being out of preschool, was basically torture!

Amelia was well enough to go to school after a week, but Samantha was a few days behind her and needed a little bit of extra time to recover. This was the first time Amelia was at preschool without her sister and was understandably distraught, so Jake took her out to a special Daddy Daughter breakfast before school to help lift her spirits. Fruity Pebbles French Toast = Happiness. I don’t even want to know how much sugar was in this and had to make a conscious decision not to freak out when I saw this picture!

A few weeks later, Jake took a jealous Samantha out to breakfast all by herself.

Finally feeling back to normal!

No one at San Clemente beach on Super Bowl Sunday– the perfect time to go for a beach walk after church!

I’m sure people thought it was super cute that someone named Amelia loved her boyfriend, Sam!

Impromptu rock art in honor of mom.

The youth at church had a fundraiser one weekend where they came by anyone’s house who signed up and did all the yucky jobs no one wants to do. Free labor? Yes, please! They sprayed out/cleaned our outdoor trash cans for us, weeded, and hauled a bunch of stuff to the dump. That afternoon, they held a carnival fundraiser and the girls had a blast getting their faces painted, playing with bubbles and taking turns rolling each other around in a giant blow up ball.

Samantha and Amelia decided to join me during my pregnancy pilates workout.

We finally made time to make it down to the HOA office and got the girls IDs for our neighborhood skate park. It’s normally full of boys on scooters, skateboards and bikes doing backflips, but this afternoon was calm and the perfect time for the girls to try it out. The boys who were there were very encouraging to the twins!

Meredith on her Strider– she rotates between her bike, her plasma car, her scooter, and being pushed in her stroller. I’ve learned the hard way that she will usually give up riding whatever her vehicle of choice is halfway to the park and my huge, lumbering pregnant self will end up carrying it to the park and back. I’ve learned to ALWAYS bring the stroller so I can at least prop her abandoned vehicle on top and push it.

Amelia swings like Tarzan at our neighbor, Naomi’s, gymnastics birthday party.

One of the girls’ favorite activities at the park is collecting flowers and building nests! Parker and Samantha work on a detailed bird habitat.

Picking beautiful flowers at the park.

Since we moved last summer, I’ve gone through three different gardeners. Labor is cheap and everyone on the block has a gardener, but I just can’t understand paying for them to mow our tiny patch of lawn and blow leaves around, especially when they would do a decent job the first month or so and then completely slack off after that! I had finally had it with the noise of the leaf blower during nap time and the fact that they were blowing leaves into our pool constantly, so we’ve been doing our own work ever since. Maybe one day I will find the dream gardener I’m looking for– someone who actually knows something about plants, loves plants and takes care of them! In the mean time, Meredith and the twins have been our free gardeners!

We need to hire Maliyah’s dad, Jared, for our next birthday party. He kept all the kids entertained with a superhero obstacle course and games during Maliyah’s birthday party. The kids all made superhero capes that were super cute– what a fun theme!

Practicing third position at ballet class.

Meredith takes some time to chill out and eat her favorite foods– fruit and cake– at Kennedy’s beach birthday party.

This is what happened while the twins were supposedly “napping.” While they usually take a short nap at preschool, they only nap about 25% of the time on the days they are home.  To retain my sanity, I am very strict about a mandatory daily quiet time, and when they don’t fall asleep, they are usually pretty good at coloring, reading books, listening to books on CD or quietly playing with toys in their room. I am usually resting/napping and Meredith naps for 2 to 2.5 hours, so the hour and a half of twins’ quiet time is non-negotiable! This particular afternoon, they were a little too quiet!

A morning at the park and a chance to get some energy out at the expense of local wildlife. Poor duck!

Lots of love,


Preschool Sing Along, Hanukkah Party and More December!

The twins had been practicing all month for their preschool Christmas sing-along and we were excited to come see their performance and all of the super cute pajamas! Even though they practiced with the hand-actions and sang all the carols ad nauseam at home, they were less than enthusiastic to perform in front of everyone! They looked tortured most of the time.

Putting on our happy faces when all the kids are in complete meltdown mode.

Samantha and Amelia’s less-than-enthusiastic Christmas carol performances! It was a long show with seven other songs beyond these, but they were all pretty much like the following, so you get the picture.

Even though Meredith was in the audience cheering her on, poor Amelia was feeling completely overwhelmed by the end and started melting down. I read my preschool sing-along post from last year, and apparently, it was Samantha who had a meltdown and threw herself into Daddy’s arms that year! I guess they are taking turns.

Last year:

Pouty elf Amelia.

It’s okay, sister elf!

Last year by the preschool tree:


A number from last year’s preschool sing-along:

Another fun preschool event was the annual Santa visit, storytime and milk and cookies! Samantha said she told Santa she wanted some new pajamas and chalk. Incredulous, Santa asked her if she wanted anything else and she said that was it! Amelia said the same thing minus the chalk (despite the fact that they already have 10+ pairs of pajamas between the two of them and we usually let them unwrap new pajamas on Christmas Eve anyways!)!

I’m sure Santa was feeling bad for these clearly underprivileged children! When they were looking through a catalog earlier in December, I asked the twins what they would like to ask Santa for, and after bypassing all the toys, they fell in love with these old-fashioned silky nightgown sets in purple and pink. So that’s what they told Santa! Samantha added in the chalk because a few months’ prior, Meredith broke all of our chalk in half and Samantha was super upset. I never got around to restocking on chalk, so she added that in her Christmas list as well!

Samantha and Santa.


Amelia and Santa.



Preschool Christmas crafts.

Amelia was super excited to give me her snowman mug and hot cocoa kit.

On a cold and drizzly weekday evening, we also went to visit Santa at the local Santa’s Village. I stood in line for a ridiculous hour and a half, while Jake took the girls around to get hot chocolate, cookies, watch the trains, listen to the carolers, watch an outdoor movie and look at the decorations. Once I saw the insane line, I would have left immediately, except that the twins were adamant that Meredith needed to see Santa and we didn’t have anything else going on that evening, besides being warm at home and not being stuck in the rain. Still, next year, I think we’ll stick to the preschool Santa visit.


Samantha and Amelia again told Santa they wanted pajamas (and chalk for Samantha), and Santa winked at me and added in that maybe he could bring them a few extra surprises! Noooooooo, Santa! Pajamas and chalk sounds like a great Christmas to me! Meredith was a little starstruck, so Amelia spoke for her and told Santa she wanted a personalized baking apron just like the ones they have because Meredith didn’t have one. That meant an unexpected last minute shopping trip for me…I mean, Santa… that week!


2016 Santa’s Village:

2015 Santa’s Village:

More Christmas fun! Our town has a house-decorating contest and some neighborhoods are super coordinated and went all out.  We explored a few of the extra decked-out neighborhoods and lighting contest winners with Parker, Maple, Phi and Michael. One fun neighborhood had hot chocolate and cookies for sale with proceeds going to charity and had their very own Grinch greeting all the kids.

Fortunately, our immediate street does not require everyone to go crazy for Christmas. This was an experimental year since it was our first Christmas in our new house.

Grandpa came into town from Utah and we went to see Disney on Ice with Noah and his family.

I thought the show was amazing, but the twins were pretty much there for the popcorn. They’ve never really been into shows. I’m glad I didn’t shell out more dough for the Nutracker this year!

Being goofy with cousins at Great Auntie Lynn’s and Uncle Steve’s for a Hanukkah dinner and gift exchange.

Attack Noah!

Grandchildren with Great Grandpa Leonard.

Meredith must have eaten 20 latkes single-handedly.

Bring on the goodies!

Great Grandpa and the Great Grandkids.

Lots of love,



And the Award for First Twin to Break Her Arm Goes To…

And the award for the first twin to break her arm goes to….

Any guesses?

Samantha! On August 13, all of us were at the little park by our house and Samantha was playing on the zipline, no more than six feet off the ground. On one ill-fated attempt, Jake pushed her a little too hard to give her a head start going down and when she hit the end of the line, she fell off, landing right on her right wrist, arm, shoulder and face. The playscape beneath was the soft, squishy kind, but she was hysterical and was obviously in a lot of pain.

Thinking it had just scared her and that maybe it was a sprain, we tried to console her onto her bike to ride home so we could ice it, but she would have none of it. Crying and gripping her arm, she walked home while Jake rode his bike and carried her bike, Meredith rode on the back of my bike, and Amelia trailed behind on her bike, screaming and crying that her “arm hurt toooooooo!” and that she wanted Daddy to carry her bike.

I arrived home first and could hear the rest of the wailing crew coming down the cul de sac from inside the house!

We iced Samantha’s arm and she laid on the couch next to an equally hysterical Amelia, who insisted on having an ice pack for her “injured” arm as well. Maybe they have some weird connection and she really does feel pain when her sister does, but it sure was annoying to have the non-injured twin throwing a fit and complicating things even more. Samantha was obviously in a lot of pain throughout the day and both twins were too tired from the ordeal to go to church, so we wrapped her wrist until we could go to the doctor in the morning. We figured it was likely a sprain, but at no point did I ever guess it was actually broken! She could bend and move her wrist, all her fingers and her arm, and I had no idea!

In the mean time, that day, Noah came over to play after we attended the memorial service of Auntie Lynn’s dear friend and our adopted “Aunt,” Marsha. Her passing was unexpected and we will miss her infectious laugh and bubbly personality. She’s been a staple at all of Auntie Lynn’s parties and has attended all of our birthday parties, showers, family events and even brought meals to us when the twins and Meredith were born. Such a sweet, generous, adventurous, and amazing soul who will be dearly missed.

We love you, Marsha!

Noah played with us while his parents were at the dinner for the memorial.

With her sore arm, Samantha did not feel like swimming and sat forlornly on the spa.

After a rough night of tossing and turning due to her sore arm, Sammy woke up, still complaining about her arm. Jake took her to the pediatrician who said she definitely needed an x-ray, so off to the orthopedist they went that afternoon. After nervously checking my phone for the verdict every five seconds, Jake finally texted me the x-ray and the news: it was broken!

Fortunately, it hadn’t broken near the growth plate, but both the ulna and radius of her right arm had small breaks and her arm would need a cast. The ortho said they weren’t bad breaks and would only take a month or so to heal, but we still felt so bad for poor Sammy and were shocked she had broken it from such a low height. She fell on it in exactly the right place. Sammy came back from ortho with her latest accessory, bright pink of course.

We explained that usually when people get casts, it’s fun to let friends sign it and decorate it with a marker, but Samantha would have none of that. So it remains plain bright pink!

The cast helped with Samantha’s pain considerably, and life resumed back to normal, with the occasional complaint of it being really itchy (the ortho told her not to stick anything down the cast herself, but when she gets itchy, we’ve been using popsicle sticks to give her some relief). Amelia, on the other hand, was a complete wreck for the first few days. From not getting to go with Daddy to the special doctor’s appointment, to all the attention Samantha got wherever she went with her cast, Amelia was feeling left out and extremely jealous! We’ve tried to make her feel special by spending extra one-on-one time with her and creating opportunities for her to be helpful by acting as a nurse, but it’s hard to convince a four-year-old that she’s doesn’t really want a cast!

But can you really blame her? Since birth, Samantha has always been the one needing the extra medical attention! First the helmet to correct her plagiocephaly from the womb when she was a baby, spending the night in the ICU after swallowing Visine eye drops as a 15-month-old,  then the glasses to correct the farsightedness in her right eye, and now the cast! It’s always Samantha, Samantha, Samantha!

I’m seeing a pattern…

After a few days, the novelty of the cast had worn off, and Amelia stopped her fits of rage and jealousy, even volunteering the whole story of how Samantha broke her arm whenever anyone asked and Samantha was too shy to share. Life resumed semi-back to normal.

At first, Samantha was very discouraged trying to do all the things she normally does with the annoyance of the heavy cast on her arm. We’ve tried to make a game out of it, counting all the things she CAN do with it and praising her for finding ways to be independent. She’s learned how to climb her bunk-bed ladder one-handed, can get dressed and undressed for the most part, can ride on the swings, eat with her fork, and even write and draw left-handed!

My initial thought when she received her cast was, “Oh noooooo! What are we going to do the rest of the summer??!!” But thanks to the marvels of modern technology, her cast is waterproof, so going swimming and taking baths has not been a problem, as long as she stays out in the sun or we hair dry it to help dry it out so it’s not uncomfortable.

Meredith and Maple on their toddler playdate.

It’s nice we don’t have to worry about water, but a huge ordeal has been the sand! She can’t get any sand in her cast or else it becomes super itchy, but try wrapping a plastic bag around an active four-year-old’s arm whose favorite pastime is making cupcakes in the sand. NOT happening. We remind her to be careful at the park and preschool around the sand and her teachers keep an eye on her, but that’s about all we can do. We’ve had to intervene with a popsicle stick to relieve the itching more than once!

Having never broken a bone myself, I can only imagine how uncomfortable and annoying it is for Samantha, but Jake, on the other hand, has broken pretty much every bone in his body at one time or another and entertained the girls with fascinating stories of different incidents, including an exciting four-wheeling accident resulting in a spiral fracture in his femur and having to sit out the entire basketball season in a cast up to his hip. Samantha and Jake now have a little bonding experience to share! Samantha was also fascinated to learn that Aunt Sarah once broke her arm falling off a swing during the summer and, assuming it was just a bad sprain, Grammy didn’t take her in for an x-ray until the next day either! I don’t feel so bad about waiting a day…

Nap time…

Samantha can still do her ballet and yoga… she just has to get a little creative!

Swinging? Check.

In addition to the itchiness, Samantha’s major complaint has been how blazing hot the cast makes her feel. She’s definitely been on the cranky side the past few weeks from not being able to get comfortable while sleeping due to overheating. Meltdowns have been on the increase since her cast and we’ve tried to make her as comfortable as possible. In the end, breaking an arm is no fun, but overall, she’s taken it in stride.

Tempting fate on the tire swing… there’s no stopping Samantha when she wants to do something. We’ve been back to the infamous zipline park, but she understandably has not expressed interest in riding the zipline again.

The lack of cast now makes it easier for their friends to recognize which one is Amelia!

She will get her cast sawed off on September 10, so only a few more weeks to go. In other medical news, Samantha had a check-up at the opthamologist’s and her eyesight in the right eye has improved considerably, as has her depth perception. She’ll still need the glasses for at least a year, but hopefully at this rate, she may not need them forever as her right eye gets stronger and her depth perception improves.  

There’s never a dull moment around here!

Lots of love,
