Meredith’s First Plane Ride and Epic Daddy-Twin Road Trip

A few weeks ago, Meredith took her very first plane ride! In piecing together how we were all going to get ourselves to Utah for our fall trip, we decided Meredith and I would fly since Meredith is at the stage where nothing really entertains her in the car and there was no way we were all going to survive 10+ hours in the car with a screaming baby.

I’m not a huge fan of the car myself, so it seemed like a short hop, skip and jump over to Utah on a plane wouldn’t be that bad. Since Jake is more of a “it’s about the journey, not the destination” kind of guy, he happily agreed to get the twins to Utah via minivan and was excited about their first Daddy-Daughter Road Trip.

Meredith and I got a one day head start before Jake and the twins and were a bit apprehensive when we waved goodbye at the Long Beach Airport. Even though I packed light, it was not the easiest of tasks getting through the airport with bags and the baby, but fortunately, there were many Good Samaritans along the way. From the nice TSA agent (oxymoron?) who ushered me into the express security where there was no line, or the super nice family who held Meredith for me after security while TSA was doing an “extra check” on my bottle bag and pump, so many friendly people helped us along our way, redeeming my view of humanity. I vowed to pay it forward next time I was in an airport and saw a harried mom with kids.

Our flight was a bit delayed, so I paced back and forth in the waiting area, with Meredith in her carrier, trying not to waste all her snacks and toys so that we’d have them for the actual plane ride.

By the time we got on the plane, I was exhausted from carrying Meredith and our luggage. Fortunately, the nice couple across from me put my carry-ons in the overhead bins and helped hold Meredith while I got situated. The couple sitting next to me could read my mind as I plopped, exhausted, in the seat, mentally preparing for the next two hours with a wiggly baby and before I could even preemptively apologize for any baby noise on the plane ride, the guy exclaimed with a smile, “Don’t worry about us, no matter how she does on the flight! We have grandkids and love babies!”

I had said a little prayer before leaving that day that we would encounter helpful people on our flight, and my requests were definitely fulfilled. Thank goodness the Long Beach to Salt Lake route is typically full of kids and family friendly travelers, making our trip all the more bearable.

Although it was a relatively short flight, it was definitely the longest hour and forty-five minutes of my life! I felt like Mary Poppins, reaching into my diaper bag and revealing a new toy every five minutes, hoping the new one would occupy her for more than a second before she threw it on the ground in boredom. I bought a few new toys that Meredith hadn’t seen yet, and those tended to keep her busy for a little more time than her old ones (and by more time, I mean 30 more seconds).

Meredith’s favorite activities were pulling the tray table up and down, banging toys on the tray table, flailing her arms and arching her back over the arm rests in attempts to escape my grip, trying to grab the book/headphones/jewelry from the lady next to me, and throwing every single toy onto the nasty airplane carpet. If you’d like to experience how slow time was going by at this point, just pull up a chair facing a boring wall in a narrow hallway and try holding a baby for two hours. EXHAUSTING.

Meredith also took great pleasure in flailing herself over the arm rest into the aisle and giggling at all the passengers behind us, especially the boy diagonal from us who was eating a gooey, delicious-looking cinnamon roll. Meredith would stop at nothing to grab it!

At one point, (about 30 minutes in) we had already gone through most of our toys, and I decided it was time to get out the snacks. As soon as I pulled the bag of Chex out from the diaper bag, Meredith, with lightning-quick reflexes, snatched it and promptly flung the entire bag up and down, sending Chex flying all over ourselves, fellow passengers, the aisle, EVERYWHERE.

It was raining Chex on the plane until I was able to reclaim the bag from Meredith’s grip. There were a few giggles and annoyed glances from everyone, but luckily, no nasty comments. A few people took pity on me and brushed the crunchy cereal out of the aisle when they saw me pathetically leaning over my seat, baby in my left arm and desperately trying to remove Chex off the floor with my right.

For the duration of the flight, any time passengers or the flight attendants walked up the aisle, all we could hear was, “CRUNCH. CRUNCH. CRUNCH.” Meredith smirked in satisfaction.


Our other baby mischief moment came when the male flight attendant stopped in our row to offer snacks, which he was holding in a basket with one hand. This was all too much temptation for Meredith who, at just the right moment, flailed her arms upward at the unsuspecting flight attendant (who I’m guessing from his glare did not have kids), making contact with the basket, and sending bags of cookies and crackers flying onto the heads of passengers in front of us. Meredith found the sights and sounds of the airborne crinkly bags incredibly entertaining and giggled in delight.

The couple next to me leaned over and exclaimed without a hint of irony, “She’s doing great!” God bless them!

Besides those incidents, the flight was drama-free, albeit cramped, tiring and hot. I fed Meredith upon take off and landing to help her ears adjust and she seemed fine. The flight was during her nap time and I had purposely kept her up that afternoon, hoping she would nap in my arms, but my dreams of a snoozing baby never materialized. Apparently a nice bottle, blanket over her eyes, a nice cuddle in my lap and the droning/motion of the plane was not sleep-inducing and she was wide-eyed and wiggly the entire ride. “WHY WON’T YOU SLEEP???” I begged/lamented as my arm muscles gradually deteriorated into limp noodles.

Meredith didn’t cry a lot, although every time she dropped a toy, snack or got bored (so basically every ten seconds), she would let out a little wail. When I prevented her from escaping my arms, she became furious and squawked in frustration, but fortunately, didn’t cry for sustained periods of time. Needless to say, we were both relieved when the plane landed. Freedom!

Out of the plane, I was so exhausted and famished that I even placed Meredith directly on the baby changing table in the bathroom without bothering to put down any clean paper first (cringe!) Thoroughly bedraggled and limping down the hallway to baggage claim with the baby and bags in tow, we were greeted by an angel surrounded by a halo of light– Grammy! We were so happy to see her and, relieved, plopped down in the car with her and Grandpa. Meredith promptly fell asleep on the ride back to their house and, while she awoke briefly when putting her down to bed in her crib, she slept through the night, dreams of flying Chex and tray tables floating in her little head.

The next day, Meredith was so excited to explore her new surroundings.


Yay for Grammy’s house!


This is what happens when Californians come to Utah and it’s 65 degrees outside.


It was relaxing hanging out with just Meredith and wondering how the twins and Jake were faring in the car.


Meredith loved the fresh green grass and blue skies.


Only child for a day!


Meanwhile, Jake was very motivated to get to Utah ASAP since we had tickets to a Utah football game that evening, and hence, packed up the car and twins at 2 a.m. and took off. I was amazed at how good of time they made. It usually takes us 12-14 hours with all the stops, but it took him under 10. By himself. With the twins. I was beyond impressed.

He attributed their efficient travel time to NOT having me in the car and said they had a great time without me! I guess I should be offended, but wasn’t, considering I don’t much enjoy car rides with them either! Apparently, the fact that I have the girls actually get dressed, brush their teeth, stop at clean rest stops for potty breaks and spend time preparing semi-healthy snacks and meals to eat along the way adds in approximately four hours to our travel time!

Without me there, Jake threw the girls in the car in their pajamas (when I asked if he had brushed their teeth, combed their hair, or had them change into actual clothes, he just laughed), literally stopped on the side of the road whenever they had to go potty and instead of stopping, threw snacks back at them to catch when they were hungry.

I usually get so annoyed by the close quarters and bickering that long car rides seem to induce, but Jake said it was pleasant playing I-Spy, ABCs-spotting on billboards, watching a movie, and chatting about everything under the sun. Jake and the girls are all very curious, talkative and a little ADD, so they were perfect travel companions for each other! I herby pronounce Jake the King of the Road Trip… I have to say, he did an amazing job!

Eating at “Old Macdonald’s” (still in their pjs!) was the highlight of their trip and the girls were so excited to tell me about it when they arrived at Grammy’s! The only picture Jake took of their road trip:


Back at Grammy’s, Uncle Mike and Ali came down from Wyoming to say hello.


Aunt Sarah and Uncle Mike also visited from SLC and we enjoyed the beautiful fall weather out in the backyard.


The twins gleefully occupied themselves on the glider and running around the backyard the rest of the day after their “long journey,” as they refer to it!


Jake’s efficient time management on the road paid off and we left the (over-tired/screaming) kids with Grammy and the rest of the family that evening to go up to Salt Lake for a trip down memory lane. We enjoyed pizza at The Pie, the quintessential local college hangout we used to frequent (they didn’t have “gluten free” options ten years ago!) and walked around campus before heading to the game. The Utes prevailed again Arizona and it was fun seeing how the campus and stadium had changed. While most things had been upgraded, one thing was still the same– fun times and loud fans!

Great date night at Rice Eccles!

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After a “long journey” for us all, it was nice for our family to be reunited again after 24 hours apart!

Lots of love,


Random Utah

In between excursions, most of our time in Utah was spent soaking up the sun in the backyard. I call it “savoring a slow summer.”

The swing and zipline were hours of entertainment.


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Amelia looking worried.


Before Jake refashioned the zipline into a real one, he tried using the swing. Most boring zipline ever.


Meredith received no less than 14 hours a day of cuddling.




More cuddles from Grandpa.


Surprised by life!


S and A loved exploring the closets packed with our childhood toys upstairs.


Hanging out in the playroom.

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Lots of fun toys for Meredith on her throne.



Eating outside.


More slip n slide and sand pit.

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What a cute spider in her web!



Woo hoo!!

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The girls had one last hoorah in the backyard before eating lunch and taking off to go home. We were sad to say goodbye, and were not looking forward to the long trip back.

Meredith, in particular, had PTSD from being in the car twelve hours on the trip out to Utah, and was not happy about being in her car seat again!


We wiled away the time with the road trip scavenger hunt, a movie, singing and about a million two-minute audiobooks (The Very Hungry Caterpillar and Peter Rabbit on audiobook were very well narrated!)

We broke up the trip back by stopping at Jake’s brother’s vacation home in St. George where we played in the club pool and ate dinner.


IMG_0433 IMG_3929  After wearing them out the pool, the girls donned their pajamas and after an hour or so of protest (“I WANT TO SLEEP IN MY OWN BED PLEASE!!”) all three girls conked out at 8 p.m. for the rest of the five hours home.

When the twins woke up in their own beds the next morning, their first requests were, “Can we go back to Utah again today?”

Lots of love,


A Week in Utah

The week before the 4th of July, we left right after swim lessons for our epic road trip to Utah. This was the first time in several years that we hadn’t done the trip in the dead of night while the girls were sleeping, so we knew from the get-go that what is normally a nine-hour drive would probably turn into 11+ hours with all the bathroom, get the wiggles out, and snack stops. All in all, it was about 12.5 hours of total time, and the girls did remarkably well, considering we haven’t done a drive like that during the day since they were babies!

Our plan of attack included leaving right before nap time, which worked well, since they slept the first little bit in the car, and stopping every few hours for breaks. Samantha and Amelia kept busy listening to music (I love you, minivan sound system, which lets you listen to something different up front while the girls could listen to whatever they wanted in the back), coloring, singing, and playing I Spy. I brought several DVDs, but the girls only ended up watching one show the whole trip.



Meredith was excited for our adventure, but near the end, she was absolutely miserable, and then angry! “I want outtttttt!!!” she screamed for the last hour before she finally conked out in the car at bedtime.


I bought and wrapped a bunch of random $1 items from Target before the trip and set the alarm on my phone for random intervals during our drive. When the alarm when off, we’d start getting excited and yelling, “Surprise time!” That meant the girls could open one of the prizes, assuming they had not been whining/crying at any time during the interval between the last alarm. They loved it and it kept their attention diverted for a little while, although towards the end of the trip, they became super whiny and kept asking when the next Surprise Time was ad infinitum, which negated the intended hour of peace and quiet Surprise Time was supposed to afford us.


I laminated a little scavenger hunt game and a map to Grammy’s they could draw on with dry erase markers, which bought us several peaceful minutes throughout the trip.

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When we stopped in St. George for a late dinner, everyone was restless, cranky and tired! Since we had Bandit and it was 100 degrees outside, I walked him around, while Jake took the twins and Meredith to eat and get their energy out in the play place. All three had an epic meltdown inside, and I’m sure everyone at the Chick fil A had pity on the poor “single dad” with three screaming girls!

By this time, Meredith was absolutely livid that she was back in her car seat, and the twins were overtired and just wanted a bed to sleep in instead of their carseats. After a harrowing hour of crying from all three, eventually, everyone fell asleep and the last four hours of our trip were peaceful. Despite getting there at 12:30 a.m., Grammy and Grandpa were there to greet us and carry sleeping twins and baby into the house and tuck them into bed. The trip was exhausting, but we all slept in that morning, plus we had the extra help from Grandma and Grandpa, so getting there late wasn’t too bad.

From there on out, we were in full-on vacation mode. All in all, I will say it was probably the closest we’ve ever had to a true vacation since having the twins. The girls were happy and occupied the entire time in the backyard and adjusted to the time difference and being out of their element perfectly. Meredith, as long as she wasn’t in the car, was a little peach. Bandit lounged on the grass all day and ran around the backyard barking at bikers on the trail. It was our most successful vacation with the kids ever!

Hours of entertainment in the sand pit.


They didn’t even have to come inside for drinks.


Meredith soaked up all the extra attention on her first trip to Utah.


Jake built a zip line in the backyard and we all took turns on it throughout the week.


The first time Amelia tried it out, Jake had put some WD40 on it to make the zip line faster, with the unintended consequence that she zipped so fast down the thing, that she crashed into the tree at the bottom since Jake couldn’t catch her fast enough. She was a little bit wary of the zip line after that and we had to bribe her to try it again. IMG_1710 IMG_1711 IMG_1713 IMG_1718 IMG_1719

Unbeknownst to us, there were some wasps underneath the deck chairs and Amelia got her first two wasp stings. She was a brave little trooper through the pain!


Recovering from the wasps with a plate full of cherries and ice packs.


Samantha didn’t get stung, but she must have been feeling the pain vicariously because she claimed she needed an ice pack as well. It’s a twin thing.


The triage unit! Jake went to spray the wasp’s nest and got stung in the process.


I used to spend entire summers in the sand box digging holes and making rivers with the hose. Good times!


Grammy froze some sea creatures in a block of ice and the girls were busy for an afternoon trying to free them.

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No need for clothes! Most days, we were too lazy to even grab their swim suits, so the girls stripped down to their undies and ran around outside.

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When I wasn’t relaxing on the deck, I was usually pushing the girls on the swings or riding on the glider with them.


So much to do and see for Meredith.


Grammy bought a new tree swing, which, after Jake unsuccessfully tried to make into a zip line, installed on the tree instead, to great enthusiasm.

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The swing/zip line was much too slow to be fun, except for Meredith.



Amelia loved feeding the garden bunnies.

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Lovely Meredith blended in nicely with the flowers.

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Smothered in love!

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Butterfly kisses. IMG_3513 IMG_3524

We all agreed it was well worth the drive! More vacation footage to come.

Lots of love,
