Cedar Breaks Part II and Home

Tuckered out from our hike at Cedar Breaks, the girls took a long afternoon snooze and Grammy and Grandpa took off back to Utah County as the thunderstorms rolled in full blast. There was a flash flood warning in the area and they got stuck on the road waiting for the trucks to clear out the mud, but made it back safely. In the mean time, Jake and I watched a Nicholas Sparks movie marathon on the cabin TV and played Go Fish with the girls when they woke up. It was nice and cozy playing together while the torrential downpour roared on outside.

Later that afternoon, it was still sprinkling in Brian Head, but everyone was having major cabin fever, so we loaded everyone in the car and drove up the mountain toward Cedar Breaks, where it looked sunny and dry. Turns out it was sunny and beautiful on that side of the mountain, so we stopped to get our energy out hiking the Bristlecone Pine trail.

The girls were in much better spirits on this hike than they had been in the morning, and since we weren’t in a hurry to beat the rain or get back for lunch/naps, we let them stop and play with sticks or do whatever they wanted to do. Relaxing!

The girls asked me to play duck duck goose with them in a field. Why not?

These pines are some of the oldest living things on earth! From the top of the trail, we had a beautiful view of Zion in the distance. Another trip for another time!

Yoga retreat!

Meredith was not happy about something…I lose track over everything she gets mad about!

We made mac n cheese for dinner at the cabin and conked out from our long day of hiking. On Monday morning, we were hoping to check out some of the zip-lining and tubing activities at Brian Head, but found out they were only open on the weekend, and it was still drizzling anyway, so we made an early departure for home.

The road down the canyon to Cedar City was closed due to the flash flood the night before, so we had to go the long way around, and everyone was GRUMPY. We stopped at a park in  St. George to let everyone run around and stretch their legs, but it was scorching and we only stayed a few minutes before everyone collapsed. The rest of the trip I’ve blocked out of my memory, but it basically involved Meredith screaming for hours on end, Samantha complaining she was uncomfortable and couldn’t fall asleep while everyone else snoozed, and endless bathroom stops in the scorching desert. After eight hours in the car, we were SO happy to be home!

This was Meredith in St. George/the majority of our trip home:

Lots of love,


Lazy Summer Days in Utah

After Jake flew home for the next week, the girls and I explored all the splash pads in Utah County (why weren’t those there when I was a kid?), visited with friends and family and mostly just hung out in the backyard. By Day Two, “Where is Daddy????” was the constant refrain/wail from the girls and compounded by the intense August heat, by Day Five, they were in complete meltdown mode. Still, we enjoyed our lack of a strict schedule and waking up every morning with no plans, but to see where the day took us. It was a “slow summer” (or as close as we usually get) at its finest.

Intuitively feeling a meltdown moment coming on, Grammy saved the day by pulling out a craft kit that lasted through those lazy, hot afternoons all week!

Good morning (hopefully)!

A little spider in her web.

Every day when Grammy got home from work, she’d find us lounging around in the backyard, with the kids begging me to push them on the swings, and me in an adirondack chair, pretending I couldn’t hear them. She took over kid duty for me, while I made dinner in peace (a welcome trade-off).

It was scorching hot by 10 a.m., so we tried to hit the trail early in the morning with a bike or scooter ride.

We visited the Highland, Springville, Orem, and Bluffdale splash pads, with Bluffdale and Springville being our faves.

Not only did Wardle Fields in Bluffdale have an enormous splash pad, waterfall, and a creek running through it, the girls were thrilled with the massive zipline and huge playground.

All the heat and humidity culminated in rain and thunderstorms one morning, so after a few hours of bounce house jumping at Kangaroo Zoo, we stopped at the iconic Taco Amigo on the way home… this one’s for you, Kati!

Uncle Mike provided comic relief during meltdown moments and accompanied the girls on a bike ride in the 90 degree evening heat!

Our other Uncle Mike was also there to be silly with the girls and trade off swing duty.

Meredith loved the revolving door of family coming in and out!

It didn’t get dark early enough for the girls to actually roast marshmallows at night, but they did roast them in the heat of the evening, and didn’t seem to mind.

Lounging with Aunt Sarah.

We met up with two of my high school friends at the splash pad in Springville and had quite the crew between us all. Meredith played with everyone, while the twins ran off and made some other completely random friend.

We also hung out with my friend, Katie, from teaching school, who moved to Utah last year. Her twins, Lizzy and Iris, were good sports playing duck duck goose with my twins (my girls’ rules of the game are iffy).

During our vacation, I was trying to transition Meredith to a one-nap day once and for all, and, as a consequence, she was a nightmare from 9 am-1 pm every day! When we visited Thanksgiving Point and rode the ponies, kind strangers offered to hold a screaming/kicking/banshee wailing Meredith while I helped the girls onto their horses and took pictures. Meredith alternated between shrieking in delight when we walked around to see the rest of the chickens, goats, horses, cows, llamas and other animals, and shrieking in anger whenever I pulled her back from climbing into the animal pens!

Jake arrived back in Utah a week later to three little girls clambering for his attention non-stop. I pretty much clocked out for the next week, being exhausted from the week before! Meredith and I took a long nap the day he came back, while he took the twins to the Gateway Discovery Children’s Museum in SLC with Grandma Celeste.

Checking out the train station.

It was an exhausting week for everyone!

Lots of love,


Park City with the Gerins Summer 2017

While the Gerins were in town, we spent a day taking in the fresh mountain air and gorgeous views in Park City. At such a high altitude, a relatively mild summer day felt scorching and we were all a little sunburned, altitude-stricken and exhausted at the end of our adventures, but Samantha and Amelia enjoyed showing Noah the ropes. Hailey and Meredith had a baby/toddler playdate at home with Grammy and Grandpa, so it was just the older sibs this time!

Noah and Amelia wasted no time bringing on the silliness.

First stop: riding the chair lift up to the Alpine Slide. Whenever we ride a chair lift, the twins always ask a million questions about what happens if they fall out. “AND THEN WE WILL DIE,” they pronounce, solemnly.

Trying not to die on the chair lift.

Noah provided comic relief whenever the girls got cranky.

Last October on the Alpine Slide:

Here we go! It’s always a fight over who gets to sit with Daddy. The girls came up with a reluctant compromise that whoever sat with Daddy on the Slide, HAD to sit with me on the Coaster. I’m always the second choice, and the girls don’t even pretend to hide that fact!

Oh my… mining for gems turned out to be the girls’ favorite part of the whole day (maybe vacation?) They are totally obsessed with the bag of polished rocks they collected and still keep them by their bedsides.

Proud owner of polished rocks!

For unexplained reasons, the twins were also excited about this slow-moving waterless tube hill.

Time to bounce! Samantha showed off her flips, while Amelia took a more conservative straight up and down approach.

Amelia on the trampoline last year:

What next?


The ropes course looked pretty challenging, but everyone hung in there and did well.

Samantha on the ropes last year:


Noah was so cute up there!

Zipline time.


Even Noah tried it!

Everyone was tired by the afternoon and ready to go, but being gluttons for punishment, Jake and I stayed to take the girls on the promised Alpine Coaster while everyone else headed home. I should probably read my old blog posts once in a while before planned excursions because the last time we were at Park City, I wrote a note to my future self, imploring myself to remember to quit while I was ahead. History repeated itself as 45 minutes, three bathroom breaks, two shaved ices and two very sunburned and tired twins later, we made it back down the mountain. We don’t even have pictures to show for all our heroic effort, so here’s the coaster from last year. It’s way faster than the slide and the girls had a blast, but I don’t know that I’d go through waiting in that torturous line with them again, thrilling coaster or not.

See you next time, Park City.

Lots of love,


Last of Utah and Going Home

Surrounding the excitement of Christmas and playing in the snow every day, this Utah trip was chock full of lounging around, visiting family and friends, playing games and taking lots of naps… a true vacation; although, we were definitely wondering why we hadn’t done Utah with the kids first, and then taken off to Hawaii by ourselves to escape the madness. We did things backwards!

Since my sister was in Key West for the holidays, she graciously let us borrow her car so that we wouldn’t have to pay for a rental while we were there, and since it wasn’t a minivan, we had to split up whenever we went somewhere since we didn’t all fit. So, one morning, Meredith stayed with me exploring the house and taking a walk to the playground, while the twins went on a Daddy Daughter date up to Ogden to visit Grandma Celeste and Aunt Valisa.

I’m sure Meredith was wondering why it was so frigid!

Meredith loves to play games and giggled playing peekaboo and reaching her hand out for me to grab in the tunnel.

Meanwhile, the twins took Ogden by storm.

After their stroll through the Christmas Village, the girls were treated to an art lesson from Grandma.

I had no idea who actually went to Scheels, that giant monstrosity of a sporting goods store on the side of the I-15, but now I know. Jake took the girls there on a pit stop and to ride the ferris wheel inside, which afforded views of the plentiful taxidermy.


Those animals are dead, girls.

Later in the week, Uncle Mike and Ali came to visit from Wyoming and Meredith was happy to play with more members of her fan club.

Working on her latest concerto.

The day after Christmas the water of Lindon City was officially declared unconatimnated and the infamous Boil Order of Christmas 2016 was finally lifted (rejoice!) Since we didn’t want to deal with cooking and clean up while the boil order was in effect, we postponed Christmas dinner and decided to have it mid-week when Uncle Mike and Ali could join us. I’ve never been so grateful for tap water in my life! It really made a huge difference not having to boil bottles, dishes and bath water anymore!

Meredith especially enjoyed the garlic mashed potatoes during her first Christmas dinner.


The girls were bribed to behave during dinner with the promise of being able to pop open their party crackers, each of which contained a cute paper crown and mini xylophone. It’s the simple things. 

Meredith got a xylophone lesson from Grandpa after dinner.

Meanwhile, the twins learned how to doodle with their new spirograph, and were excited about their cute personalized Santa bags from Mike and Ali.

We played a round or two of Hungry Hungry Hippos every night, and I’ve never seen the twins so focused.

Such a classic.

Down by Utah Lake, they had a drive through Christmas lights extravaganza set to music we checked out one evening.


One of our favorite stops is the free Bean Museum at BYU, and the girls ended up going twice; once with me, and once with Grammy. They had a really cute story time which the girls loved, and we spent the rest of the time wandering around, looking at the animals.

Uh… where are the cute, fuzzy creatures you promised?

Amelia and Samantha reenacted what they learned about predators and prey from story time.

Hunter and the hunted.

The girls and I met up with my friend, Sarah, and her four littles to play at the Museum of Natural Curiosity. The girls have been there several times in the past, but this was the first time they were really old enough to be into more of the science and exploration activities. It was crazy at times corralling all our kids to go in the same direction, but Alec, Ava and Beckham were great tour guides!

Whenever they could manage to wrestle the Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots away from Mike and Jake (which wasn’t often), the girls had a few epic battles of their own. Things got especially intense when their robots fought to the death atop the table.

When we weren’t outside, the girls occupied themselves decorating windows, playing with Polly Pockets, and lining up all the stuffed animals in the playroom to play “school.” Other people’s toys are always so much more fun!

The girls did really well this trip, considering all the Christmas-induced sugar, excitement, and travel. By mid-week, however, all three were noticeably more cranky, and by the time our week was up, we were all ready to get back to a routine, even though the twins argued otherwise. “WE DON’T WANT TO GO HOME!” they wailed on the car ride to the airport.

We spent a ton of time looking out the windows at the airport to keep the girls occupied. Jake boarded with Meredith first to take advantage of having first dibs on the overhead baggage, while I waited until the last second to board with the girls to minimize the time they would have to sit there waiting.

For both plane rides to and from Utah, I sat with the girls, while Jake took charge of Meredith (I’m still traumatized from the last time I flew alone with her!) She loved playing peekaboo with us through the seats and was so wild, Jake had to pass her to me a few times while he rested his baby-wrangling muscles.

The trip home is usually the hardest leg, and this one was no exception. The twins did pretty well on the plane ride, and only melted down on the twenty minute ride home from the airport, but Meredith was a cranky little one from start to finish! She sat with Jake behind us on the plane ride and was constantly bopping up to say hello and then screeching when he wouldn’t let her on the floor. I’m pretty sure she hit or threw random objects at the passengers next to her several times. Poor thing just wanted OUT.

It was a good thing we had a very low key New Year’s weekend at home to recuperate from the trip. Meredith alone made us exhausted for days!

Lots of love,

